
Strangely, despite having no budget and no Hollywood resources, the editor behind A New Hope Revisited did a better job adding realistic blinks and twitches to the aliens in ANH than Lucas did doing the same for the Ewoks.

In one of the later releases of A New Hope, they added more rocks around R2 when he's hiding from the Jawas. It looked really stupid because the hole they left was clearly too small for him to roll through. Also its just such a random, dumb thing to go to the trouble of changing.

Manhattan Projects is really good as well, though the art might put some people off.

That would be pretty dull given they're all just "If you invite one Baptist to [place] they'll drink all your [alcoholic beverage]" with the two variables changing.

Having been raised half Baptist and half Catholic, with the Catholic side really disliking the Baptist side, I have heard every possible variation of this joke that can be composed in the English language.

Okay. Well good luck with that.

Its a cliche to say at this point, but I often wonder how these people don't see that they're going to be on the wrong side of history.

I just want to throw in here that dissenting opinions are something this site could stand more of and that while I don't necessarily agree with what you say, I think you should be allowed to say it without being told, in a roundabout way, to shut up.

Tanisha and Lamar's attitudes toward Franklin's change in lifestyle are what makes them interesting though. The "crab bucket" mentality is a real social problem and I think Franklin's former friends constantly giving him shit for "selling out" makes them seem more realistic and contributes to the satire of 21st

Given his name is just "Bill", my impression that the serial killer character is sort of a weird homage to Bob from Twin Peaks is becoming stronger.

I weep for future generations if educational cutbacks have already led to the removal of He-Man apocrypha from our schools.

Clearly you know nothing about extradimensional demons.