It's a Beige Alert

Uncle on the run from government. The scene at the train/bus station showed the comedic brilliance of Hanks and Fox.

That DD was so simple for me, I can imagine freezing up on the show and blowing it. **Okay, I know this. I deal out of it when I'm not on dice. 'Multiple decks', right, ours hold eight decks, except some tables have six…Oh god, I forgot what it's called!**

Futurama's "I Dated a Robot" is good enough for me.

No no no, you merely have to wait until she and her beau attend a costume party, wait until they're separated, then Revenge-of-the-Nerds her.

Oh, if Natalie Dormer asked, I'd give her something long and full of lead, ifyaknowwhatImean! Well, actually, graphite. Pencils contain graphite, not lead, and I'd graciously loan her one if she needed it.

They'll be Hollywood plain-to-ugly, which means in the real world they're all knockouts.

That's okay, his sister more than makes up for it.

Electric word, life.

Maybe it's a Yale thing? See Sideshow Bob's "Capital knockers!"

"Romulans. They're so predictably treacherous."

So how old was Jennifer Garner when she did this babysitting? I'd like to know for … reasons.

Loved the blues singer sketch. I also have the "my fantasy football team sucks" blues, where my coworkers might gently mock me, and I might lose a $$ amount I can easily afford. So yeah, I know the blues. Then at the end, McConaughey sings how he's not actually poor, but had to watch all his former Facebook

I like his films, except for that nervous fella that's always in them.

Hell, this was one of Fox's earliest shows, a sitcom where a guy dies and is caught between Heaven and Hell, and gets sent back to mentor his younger self (a pre-Friends Matthew Perry) to be a better person.

I don't care what's real or not, that will always be Paul's grandfather to me.

Actually, they could've taken JJ Watt, but they took Dareus at #3 instead. That year, Watt should've gone #1, but at least every guy before him ended up really good, except the QB reaches of Locker & Gabbert

My theory is all those girls are actually lesbians, using Manny to get close to his hot mom.

I doubt Sue is a Smiths fan, but "Johnny Marrch".

A+ for Sarah Hyland on sexiness alone. Not just her falling in the water, but her description of her last hot tub experience and its effect on her.

Yeah, cause his dad wasn't there for him as a kid.