A new iMac that looks like a big Nintendo DS.
A new iMac that looks like a big Nintendo DS.
HP needs to toss a "Dude, you're getting a Dell!" joke out there.
So what's the deal with the huge blank space at the top of the page now? Am I the only one getting this?
My news feed is now comprised of news items, friends, and interests that never appeared on my old feed. I have no clue.
So you're telling me that Apple shouldn't be the most valuable company in the US?
Absolutely right. It's not as if Apple is worth 5% less today than yesterday, when it went up 10% from the day before (or whatever). Everything in the stock market is imaginary value.
I was lucky when I signed up for digital cable installation and subscription transfer when I moved recently. They mistakenly cancelled my installation appointment, then to make it up to me, they gave me $20 off a month and free installation. It's sad that the only reliable method of getting a good discount is to…
Even better, a single digit PIN: 1111. Thermal proof.
Yeah! I hate those morans! Damn morans.
Hopkins was such a patent troll.
They're all perfectly cromulent words.
Two words: Porn Mode.
You bring up a good point with a la carte pricing. There's a reason that, as TWC customer, I see messages every few months about possible rate increases for certain channels, such as Fox channels, ESPN, MSG, etc. If the Style Network threatened to raise rates, nobody would give a shit. As it is, ESPN costs around 4…
How about this: don't reserve special offers for new customers only. Instead, reward loyalty. Also, I shouldn't have to speak to the cancellation department before you start talking seriously about saving me money.
Insert Dick Cheney joke here.