Arlington Stadium was built in 1965 as a member of the publicly funded stadium boom of the 1960s. In 1972, the Rangers moved there from Washington. On July 23, 1985, it witnessed Oddibe McDowell hit for the cycle against Cleveland in a stadium paid for by public money. So you see, this shit comes full circle.
"You can take that zero and multiply it by ten! That's how popular I am in New York!" - Mark Sanchez
The Australian who won was *not* wearing Nikes. Telling?
Do you ever notice a bike, ask a friend/acquaintance if they want it, then return to steal it? In other words, do you engage in any salesmanship?
And Weird Science is a hilarious John Hughes film.
Wise didn't help the umpire make the call at all, the ump called it out before Wise even had time to leave the stands. No gamesmanship involved, just a blown call.
You're mistaken about the red shirt guy. He's *back* and to the left. *Back* and to the left.
Why do some discussions close early? Your story on army camo already shows "discussion is closed."
I can't wait until I can look back at this comic in five or six years and laugh at the tiny number of planets we had discovered.
My current family plan is roughly $120 per month for five dumbphones. For this plan, even though we do not use any data, would be a *minimum* of $30 per line, which is $150 right off the bat, followed by a minimum of a 1GB data plan for an additional $50, puts us at $200? Am I reading this correctly?
Lots of Americans just have marathon finishers medals handed to them every day. I got one just yesterday while I was walking to work.
She's from Leicestershire, so the NHS likely paid for most of her care. Go away.
For an inexperienced runner, I would advise against running to the beat of music. It could potentially result in an unnatural gait and you shouldn't change your entire running style to fit music. That being said, if you're worried about mechanical efficiency, you shouldn't run with music at all and instead listen to…
"Here's a tip....take the sad, pathetic, and untrue rhetoric against Ron Paul out of your story"
You really need to ease into fivefingers. Throwing them on and thinking you can still achieve your regular distances will result in injury. Your body needs to gradually adapt to barefoot to minimize injury risk.
Al Jazeera ranks with the BBC in terms of quality and recognition, but by all means, you're welcome to wait for the Action News Team at New Orleans Channel 4 to break this story.