2nd White Line

I smell a Shooting Challenge...

This bad boy is also for sale. 3 MPG. More info at the link.

Ladies and gentlemen: the black power movement.

And I bet on the first ride some wiseass kid presses all the buttons and it takes three times as long to get to space.

I would imagine there wasn't much excrement to speak [of...nothing] coming on, nothing going out. I doubt he would have had the strength to roll down a window and put it outside, and if he did, he probably could have kept digging his way out.

The Renaldo Balkman Experience was the worst children's theme park ride I've ever been on.

I'm +1-ing this as hard as I possibly can.

Its like he's got this shit going on in his brain compartment. This picological shit and whatever. want to see Turditecture, go to Albany.

Too late. Let's feed this troll!

Civil War not about slavery? So just out of curiosity, what was the Civil War really about?

Read his other posts. This guy is a typical right wing nut and would never think of fact checking.

Come on gravity! Quit loafing!

Unfortunately, all of Google's court arguments will be run through Google Translate, leading to innumerable and unfortunate misphrasings and poor word choice during oral arguments.

Ladies always tell me that length isn't that important, it's the strength they're concerned with.

So pretty soon, my password of "password" is looking pretty strong.

Say what you want about the logo, but I miss my "beta" subscript.

I had the same basic idea years ago.