It's a Beige Alert

Or hop on youtube and watch her ‘grown-up little orphan Annie’ bit with Seth Meyers if you’re not.

“a lengthy description of Fraser rescuing a horse from the set of a History Channel series and bringing it back to his farm in upstate New York as a companion for his autistic son”

He was amazing in Scrubs. If you want to see someone be hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time, then watch his episodes.

You know, the more I think about it, Chris Rock was on to something with his bullet control bit. Because the constitution says we have the right to bear arms. It does not say anything about bullets, or gunpowder. Let people own all the guns they want. But charge 50 bucks a bullet.

I figured it was a “grab them by the p*ssy” reference.

Ever wonder if the Simpsons are the ones actually making their predictions come true? Like, maybe the Stonecutters really are real, and they’re pulling all the world’s strings?

There is literally nothing more disgusting than a comfortable member of an oppressed group deciding to throw other members of other oppressed groups under the bus. I bet she wonders why she has no friends.

The nice thing about this is that there’s no membership fee because Mexico pays for it.

Cult 45. Works every time.

So the font on this looks like when you open someone elses project your computer and you don’t have the font they used so your program just decides to pick whatever it wants.

If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...

The erosion of the Trump trademark will be fun to watch in the coming years. There will invariably be (*shudder*) public schools and whatnot named after the man; is he going to sue them?

I’ve met a Trump supporter who was gay, but like, angry-redneck-denial-beats-up-gay-people-gay. I think the idea was that if the administration made being gay illegal, he wouldn’t think about beautiful giant throbbing cocks anymore, because he’s not some kind of criminal.

Simpsons did it!

I live in Portland, OR and I know a lot of Trump supporters (though many have since learned to hide or code their beliefs since the election) and I personally know exactly one black Trump supporter. Still have not found a gay one but we all know they are out there.

I like long walks on the beach. To make sure no immigrants come in.

A much classier alternative to OKKKCupid

Farmer actually work. Most Trumpinistas are leeches on society like their hero

I haven’t met a black one (I doubt Ben Carson supports anyone but Ben Carson and that asshole sheriff is the male Omorsa).