Trent M

I’ve been following these devs since it was first even hinted at coming out.  I’m glad it’s actually going to come out at some point!

Bethesda’s online shooter-cum-role-playing game 

Same. I was looking into this as a fun multiplayer diversion but I also have no tolerance with pay to win in multiplayer. It’s left a bad taste in my mouth ever since I played the original Gunbound.  Losing because someone is more skilled than me I can take, but losing because somebody plopped down money where I

This isn’t io9 identifying her, mate. This is a pattern she’s been engaging in for literally years. It’s just that before it was always deniable. You defending it (and you are, by trying to mis-portray it as a misunderstanding, which it definitely is not at this point) is fucked-up, frankly. You’re whole “Oh it’s just

That someone on social media could misspeak is exactly why it’s important that this has become a pattern with Rowling. Someone who says something transphobic on accident and feels bad about it doesn’t double and triple down and make comments that confuse sex and gender.

The Harry Potter series was a big part of my formative years. As a Black man, I always saw the anti-pureblood message in the books as very positive from a racial standpoint, but then I remembered that people can be open minded about one subject, and completely ignorant and bigoted on another. I completely agree with

yeah, having Yvie as the first lipsync assassin just isn’t even fair haha. Yvie killed it, as always.

Okay so...

Yep, alternate title:

This is a pretty misleading title. It’s worded like it’s hard for newcomers to take advantage of this sale, when in actuality, that’s not the situation. FFXIV “really doesn’t want you trying it again” because that’s not what the sale is. The sale going on gives away the base game for free, but you already bought the

I mean what else is it suppose to do? You had the full base version and you’re trying to add something you already had. Not trying to sound blunt but this just sounds more like a rant post from a random forum then anything else.

The British East India Company is directly responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths. Tencent is not. 

reminder that unless you solely play indie games, you literally have no leg to stand on complaining about tencent’s business practices. this is literally just how free-market capitalism works.

Anime avatar.  Can’t say I’m shocked.

It’s just bad marketing, and pretty offensive to large swaths of fans.

When the pics in question are less about what the character can DO, and more about their ass (when we don’t even get that for men’s asses), then yes. Plus the bonus of not talking about what she does and saying “we all horny”.  Maybe focus less on the horny and more about what the DLC brings in terms of play.

She’s only not an obvious frontrunner because we haven’t seen her narrative in the show, but her actual performance results has her up in contention. She had two wins under her belt, she hasn’t been in the bottom, and the judges seem to love her. Sh*rry may not personally be your taste, but maxi challenge wins are

I’m sure Remy is heartbroken.

My wife and I loved what they did with this bit. It’s basically as if the creators knew they couldn’t do what they did before but knew they could still have a lot of fun with it without it being at the expense of a specific group of people. Instead it is a caberet show that asks you to get invested in the energy and