Trent M

I’d argue there’s a difference between criticizing a flaw in a game and spamming literally every tweet a company makes with outrage. I don’t know if telling the people doing the latter to shut up is a great move, but saying “these people need to chill the fuck out” isn’t the same as “nobody can criticize anything ever.

Heck yeah I want it. It looks absolutely beautiful.

Sorry, Infinity Engine purists—the combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is entirely turn-based.”

My desire to sink too much time in New Horizons will be the end of me.

Child marriage is a major human rights issue in India, and one that the local culture is attempting to combat. Using the prevalence of such as a justification for hitting on high school kids is...not right. 

What the fuck are you ranting about?

It’s the snowflake argument that every douche bag gamergate kid makes, just fancied up to make him seem like he is actually saying something new, and not re-hashing a bullshit excuse to be racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever.

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Is this satire? If not, yikes. 

As gamers are, as a whole, a thoughtful, inclusive, and reflective group, I expect this change (one that in no way negatively impacts anyone at all) to be received with open arms and thunderous applause. Hooray for gamers!

Now if Japan could stop putting homophobic bullshit in their games in the first place....

Also a lot boringer.

I really can’t understand why there’s a debate about this.

Its like an inch and a half, youre an idiot. 

@Ellomdian: sounds like you have some issues yourself. you chose to read it.

@Ellomdian: He was a related.