Trent M

He posted a YouTube video in character as Cullen talking about cancel culture. I didn’t watch the whole thing. It’s pretty bad though.

The same people that argue being tolerant means you have to tolerate their intolerance. Classy bunch.

“If you care about a game and are willing to go and spam dislike some random dude on the internet because you cant play it for 3 minutes, it’s stupid.”

Ah yes, conservatives. The folks who champion personal responsibility until that responsibility is “don’t be a prick.” Then it’s everyone else’s fault for being annoyed or upset at their behavior.

Fuck, you would make a horrible politician.

I’m absolutely sick and tired of politics right now, and Twitch is one of the places I go to escape it all.”

My working theory is that nice people are usually really good at playing deceptive roles, because they spend a large portion of their lives telling people what they want to hear to avoid conflict.

Same thing goes for retail/service workers. Being paid to be nice really teaches you about the human condition, lmao.

People voted for George W Bush because he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.

No it isn’t, what makes you think it’s Pokemon?

Why are you surprised? Isn’t finding bugs exactly what betta testing is for?

No, I totally get the frustration. If it was just the occasional video game, that would be one thing. But it’s the entire entertainment industry that has a problem with representation and for sports (and even then, only certain sports), and one could argue even within those sports, it’s the same

Fair enough good clarification, and sorry if I implied anything negative towards you.

My post has been taken way out of context. It was only related to the complaints about *dreads*. Everything else you have to say about the shortage of representation, I would never debate, because it is pretty spot-on.

I don’t buy for a second that the absence of black hair was about technical limitations. I’ve seen plenty of terrible looking white hairstyles. You don’t have to perfect black hair modeling to include it in a video game. And this isn’t the first video game to include black hair. But it is one of the first fantasy RPGs

“I’m the bearded lady. Who are you, one of the FREAKS?”

Can we talk about how you can customize your girlfriend afterwards? Mine is a bearded dwarf lady:

As much as I want to have cross-racial options for all the in-game races, I’m at least happy to hear that it’s not JUST HUMANS in this game.

Both versions of this story are filled with comments from people who want to know that she isn’t profiting from this “before they buy the game.”

So please explain what isn’t “vulgar” about portraying transpeople as mentally ill or lending succor to paedophiles and happily becoming the public face of a movement designed to remove rights of transpeople?