
That Kemp creep is emblematic of What The Fuck Is Wrong With Georgia. He is the Olde World. Goddamn is right.

Professional asshole is still asshole, will likely continue to be asshole for the next 35 goddamn years. 

I wish all the lawyers from here on out just referred to him as ‘Kavanaugh’ instead of Justice Kavanaugh.

I’m ... simmering a little bit. Some of us were literally screaming about this the minute he became the nominee.

I have two middle names, the second of which is a last name (mother’s maiden name). They are both on my passport, but not on all state documents, and frequently use two initials.

And so it begins. Obama’s effect on the economy is wearing off, and now it’s time for the USA to feel the full effect of the man who bankrupted almost every business he ever owned.

Oh of course! But none who purport to support executive power and privilege like Kavanaugh does. That’s why Trump wanted him on no matter what. Well that and Trump just legitimately doesn’t give a shit if the allegations against Kavanaugh are true.

GOP election policy:

Hmmm, “outside agitators”! Why, I do declare, they’ve been using THAT dogwhistle ever since the Freedom Ride years.

I guess the NRA no longer pretends to be anything more than a GOP propaganda tool.  What exactly does Kavanaugh’s confirmation have to do with guns?

Every time some redneck fuck says that, I have to laugh.

Fuck, verify even if you don’t have doubts.

Yeah my last name is very long and it gets cut off on some stuff. Also, I am white bread American folks as are my ancestors going back a while, but we still have this complicated foreign ass name (to most Americans) where people don’t know whether to put a space or a hyphen or, whether part of it counts as my middle

“Outside agitators" ? Man, that's vintage...

No jokes, this is fucking disgusting. Kemp should be in prison. 

Don’t you understand? This is the founding father’s genius that great swaths of sparsely populated land be given the same number of Senators as New York, which holds the de facto world capital, and California, the worlds sixth largest economy and the most populous state by far.

Reality check here, Jon…