
There are 0 references online, in any format, to the Devil’s Triangle as a drinking game before Kavanaugh word-barfed it out. Kavanaugh previously gave a speech at Yale admitting to having to piece together the events of a previous night. Beyond that, there is a 0% chance that someone whose friends called him the

Yeah, I’m very afraid of flying, but it doesn’t really affect me behavior until I’m actually on the plane.

I can’t tell if you’re jokingly or not. But the two points you made, are not only ‘suspicious’ to say the least but other classmates have come forth on the latter to suggest that Kavvy got belligerently drunk on more than one occasion.

I know. I love travelling. I loathe flying. My wife is a saint. She puts up with my insistence that we board last, that we select seats in the rear of the plane, that I everything critical is carried in my pockets in case we need to get out in an emergency, that I follow along with the safety instructions and read the

Not afraid of flying, but often see people on the plane looking extremely nervous. What they are really leaving out is that the fear becomes amplified based on why you are flying. She was already likely in a very anxious state with everything that was going on, and getting on the plane would make her anxiety skyrocket.

Every single one of those 4 lies I pointed out is a lie. None of them can be factual. Why would he lie about something so insignificant? It’s easy - because he’s lying about other things.

People who are afraid of flying fly all of the time. Some of them use Xanax, some of them get half-Kavanaughed at the bar

Hung up on flying but not Kavanaugh going from “I never got black out drunk” to talking about how he would sometimes drink too much, but that’s okay because others around him would also drink too much.

I’m afraid of heights - but I’ll also occasionally rock climb and rappel so that way I’m less fearful in situations I can’t control. There’s such a thing as behavioral therapy for anxieties and fears - it’s not to fully “cure” a fear, it’s more like making it less bad so it’s less likely to be crippling.

Between the

I know.. my mother loves to BE other places (ie: travel), just hates to fly because of her fears so she takes medicine and other items to deal with the hassle. So it’s very odd that they act like fear of something = impossible to do.

I’ve flown more than half a million miles in the last 15 years, and I still fucking dread getting on planes. It’s not PTSD or anything, I just have terrible anxiety about flying. I definitely avoid flying when I can. 

Jesus, I walked into a restaurant Saturday night to hear two women at the bar parroting this exact thing: “she’s afraid of flying but gets on planes?<incredulous look>” It was all I could do to refrain from screaming “people do it all the fucking time!”

I can’t even get my husband on a plane without dosing him with Xanax, he’s terrified of turbulence. But he loves to travel (except for the plane part) and does it all the time. Also, that is the only time he uses Xanax, specifically to get him past his flying anxiety and to his destination without a complete meltdown.

Yeah. I wanted Blasey Ford to say “well, Ms. Mitchell, I have learned forge ahead in spite of the anxiety and do things like flying and testifying before the Senate and the world about a deeply traumatic event.

They’re so hung up on the flying thing. Many people, including myself, are afraid of flying, but do it anyway. Sometimes I can psych myself up for it. Usually, though, I get half-Kavanaughed before I board the plane.

If he was able to calmly and level-headedly address these accusations, I might be more inclined to believe him, but the sniveling way he defends himself reeks of someone who has done wrong.

that — seems new, that openly partisan, snarling contempt for the Democratic senators. That alone is disqualifying.

Well they needed to pick a die-hard republican, so that conflicts with finding someone sane.

Aren’t these judges supposed to be nonpartisan? Or give the illusion that they’re capable of being so?

“This is not a job interview,” Graham snarled. “This is hell.”

Yes! The financial situation is the biggest red flag IMO. It shows he has weak character, spending well beyond his moneyed means, making him VERY corruptable. This guy has been picked because he’s willing to play Putin’s game.