
The thing I don’t understand is this strategy of opening up the country and blaming Democrats for a fake crisis only gets one shot. They can only up the country with a big extravagant celebration and call the whole crisis a hoax once. If they have to shut down a second time, not only can they not use that argument

The won’t be going out. They want you to go out to make them money. They will be safely at home being tested every day.

So just ignore the fact that Biden won in such a landslide that the primary was effectively over after Super Tuesday?  Or ignore the fact that in many of those states he won every single county. You want the DNC to throw out all those votes and hand the nomination to someone you like more? Can you imagine the freak

The tight spaces is to load the next area and is a common trait in Unreal Engine 4 games.  Jedi Fallen Order does it as well.

They had a spike yesterday. It was their second worst day for reported cases and deaths. It will be interesting to see if yesterday was an anomaly or a trend.

The thing is, we only stay at that 100-200k number if we stay shut down. There is no way Trump can handle an 18 month shutdown, and will re-open this country (at least the red states), probably in the next month. This will lead to a huge explosion in the number of cases and another forced shutdown probably a month

If Trump is any expert on anything, it’s giving himself a way out to avoid legal action. He will never say to take it, he will say people should look into it and he’s heard good things. Then if people die he will say their doctors shouldn’t have given it to them.

This virus is just going to massively accelerate the switch to our all digital future for games.  The companies that are accepting of that will do well, the ones that push back against it will not.

And yet Resident Evil 3 is releasing tonight....

An interesting Harvard-Harris poll came out today that had Trump’s handling of the virus at 50 approve, his overall approval at 48 (which is either his highest ever or close to his highest in that poll) but the same poll had the matchup with Biden at 55 Biden 45 Trump. So, even his record approval numbers are leading

About the same percentage as the libertarians screaming for their bailout checks right now

This crisis is really going to expose who the competent anchors are and who the inept ones are. Often, they aren’t in their normal studio, their production team is spread out in different control rooms and working from home in some cases. Teleprompters are going to fail and take longer than usual to get back to full

This is why their strategy makes zero fucking sense. This virus will keep spreading, and it will spread to the all of the country, including the reddest of red counties. When people start seeing for themselves their communities getting devastated they will have to on some level realize the threat is real.  This

I guess if there is one somewhat good piece of news from those graphs it’s that Washington state seems to have flattened its curve.  That may just be due to lack of testing, but it’s something considering that was one of the hardest hit first areas of the country.

This country tends to rally around the flag in a time of crisis and give the benefit of the doubt to our leaders. In the weeks after 9/11 Bush had an approval rating above 90%. To only be at 55% (and 50% in a Monmouth poll out today) this early in the crisis is actually pretty bad.

This seems like a situation where they could have just ignored Konami and dared them to sue a charity event in a viral outbreak. It’s Konami, so I’m sure they would have, but they would have looked absolutely awful doing so and generated a ton a good PR for the teams.

This was my thought as well.  I think there was a very real chance they were going to go under after the first quarter numbers came out, and that was before this shutdown.  I don’t think they survive April.

But it’s not just leaving behind HDD’s for SSD’s, it’s leaving behind everything that isn’t a NVMe SSD (or a PCI Express 4.0 NVMe SSD for PS5). If developers utilize a NVMe drive in the ways the PS5 and Xbox will allow, a SATA SSD won’t be fast enough to keep up, you will have to have a NVMe drive. I just don’t see

The potential swing states in November are Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. So far Sanders has won Iowa and New Hampshire and Biden has won Arizona, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina and Texas and is

I don’t think the SSD’s are going to be taken advantage of at anywhere near their fullest level, at least for anything that isn’t a console exclusive. Games will be designed for the lowest common denominator, and that is still going to be a mechanical HDD on a PC for any game that is being planned for a PC release.