
It’s wonderful, as a gay man, reading the words of some self-important strumpet such as Linda Codega. Thank you so much for letting us know what to think Linda! Thank you for letting us know that you are an anti-woman, anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, venomous and vindictive woman. Please do us all a favor and move on

On the very first day of journalism school, we are taught not to make ourselves the story. When media outlets decide they’re going to stop covering something because of the creator’s personal opinions, they start themselves down a very slippery slope of looking down their noses from their glass houses and deciding

This is maybe one of the top five worst takes ever posted on Kotaku.

If you’re playing this on the Switch in handheld mode, you will be able to read the font just fine. They should still let you resize for accessibility, but you’re being dramatic.

My issue as well. Unless they’re switch ports (MHR) all current console gen PC games are releasing with issues. 

Hollywood awarded 2 asian actors and a movie that represents asian-american culture with 7 oscars.

Says the website with a fake Japanese name.

I’m all for standing up for Transgender rights, but if you are going to harass and bully people so aggressively, by even going as far as creating a website to tell you whether a streamer has played said video game, you aren’t exactly creating a healthy narrative.

If you have a membership to Costco or Sams, you can get $100 of gift cards for $90 and those can be used to buy the vouchers

Is it really that hard to pay for the things you use?

Found one.

Apparently the worlds largest flour mill is in Jakarta.

I play Cyberpunk on a 3070 at 1440p on medium settings with DLSS on (no RTX) to get 60fps. I assumed new games would be even worse than this. I don’t even know why I still PC game. It’s becoming a thing for the rich only.

This is a weirdly hateful article. You can describe what you like without sounding like a spiteful whiner. 

TikTok is owned by a Chinese company (which is controlled by the Chinese government), collects biometric data on users, and Chinese admins have full access to all of that data.  These are documented facts.  It’s not racist against Asians to say that TikTok is spying on you.

At no point did he say we should be racist against Asians. JFC go take your suffrage Olympics somewhere else

Right? I literally stopped reading there to come down to here to see if anybody else was like “what the fuck”

The real lesson is being missed:  TikTok is shit, stop intentionally subjecting yourself to Chinese spyware.

Yukiko didn’t know what she wanted, like many teenagers: she hated the feeling of being trapped by the inn, but the staff there were also like her family, so it ultimately meant enough to her that she stayed. She just wanted it to be her decision.

That’s what women and minorities who fall in with far right wingers always forget. THEY WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU. It doesn’t matter how much you carry their water. They will always fucking hate you.