
Yes, but that was a different situation since the architecture of Xbox 360 and the Xbox One were different. The Xbox 360 used the PowerPC architecture that was found in Apple computers at the time and the Xbox One (and PS4) switched to the common PC x86 architecture. The new consoles will still be on the same x86

And the worst part is the Dow climbed 1300 points during his speech.  The markets loved his bullshit and ate it up.

Also, the exit polls are fine. Sanders was at 34.36% and Biden at 28.06% in the exit polls (if you combine male and female support at their percentage of the electorate, which is the closest the exit polls come to giving an actual percent predictor). With 88% of the actual vote in Sanders is at 34.4% and Biden at 27.6%

That site’s data is just plain wrong. They say they use CNN exit polls but the data doesn’t match. Take a look at California. First of all, exit polls don’t do a total vote prediction but that site claims the CNN polls found Sanders up by 15. The closest thing exit polls do to a total vote is a male and female

Also Texas, and by all accounts he is going to win by 20+ in Florida and Ohio next week. Assuming the nominee is Biden, he doesn’t absolutely need any of those three in November, but if he wins ANY one of those three it’s 100% over.

The two big differences between the delegate count in 2016 and today are that California has already voted (they were in June in 2016) and the super-delegates aren’t factoring into the race unless a second ballot is needed. If California hadn’t voted yet and the super-delegates were being counted like they were in

It needs a less childish sounding name to catch on in the USA...something like the PSX...

Just from a pure numbers standpoint, 17-29 turnout was about 50% of what it was in 2008.  Young voters in 2008 showed up for Obama.  Young voters in 2020 didn’t show up for Sanders.  It’s just that simple.

The fact that despite the massive differences in the three that Biden, Bloomberg and Sanders are all beating Trump by basically the same +8 margin in poll after poll and Warren, Klobuchar and Buttigieg and usually only +4 (which is also where Hillary Clinton was in the final polls and only a point off what she won

Bloomberg hasn’t proven anything yet. He has looked good in some polls, but no one has voted for him yet. Steyer was polling around 20% in polls in Nevada then got 9% first choice. I’m waiting to see if these poll numbers actually show up to vote for Bloomberg

Politically, he is kind of screwed right now. The Coronavirus is going to get much worse and Trump has put Pence in charge of it so he can have a scapegoat. He is going to wrap this whole failure on Pence and drop him for probably Nikki Haley in the election. Pence is being set up to fail and either doesn’t realize

Ironically, the name “The Base” is the literal Arabic translation of Al Qaeda

I am a 35 year old white male from Oregon who took AP history classes in high school and spent a year as a history major in college. I thought I had a firm grasp on American history but I had never even heard of the Tulsa Massacre or even that Tulsa was the Black Wall Street until Watchmen. I was actually embarrassed

Every time I hear Bernie bring up the $200 billion in insurance company profits or the $100 billion in pharmaceutical profits as where he is going to get the money for Meidcare for all I want to scream. His own campaign puts the cost of the program at $4 trillion a year so the $300 billion in savings amounts to 7.5%

Trump is actually decriminalizing corruption. If he is re-elected he will literally start selling this country to the highest bidder.

As much as we spend on the military (currently around $900 billion a year) that is only a fraction of the cost of the programs Sanders is proposing. The total cost of all his proposed programs add up to around $15 trillion a year, triple the current federal budget. You can’t just find $15 trillion. You can’t just defic

Michael Bloomberg could single-handedly deliver Florida to the Democrat in November. Florida passed a state constitutional amendment giving felons who have finished their sentence their voting rights back but then the Republicans in the state legislature passed a law requiring people pay back all court fees before

Short term. They have to hold a special election within a year. The Republican governors would probably appoint a a more moderate Democrat to replace them, knowing that a Republican would just anger voters, have no chance at re-election in the special and lead to a much more progressive candidate winning the special.

Honestly, changing to Republican was more of just a scummy political move than anything else.  He did it right after 9/11 to run for mayor of New York City.  Then changed to Independent when the 9/11 hysteria died down, then back to Democrat when he thought he might run for President.  It’s all just naked politics. 

I just played XIII again for the first time since it came out and I was really enjoying it a lot more the second time. Then I got to the end segment. I forgot how abrupt that ending is. You just fight through a city for a few hours with no dialogue or story then fight a boss a few times with practically no real story