
To be fair, people said the same thing about Reagan. They said this country would never elect someone that conservative and the centrists and moderates would go to Jimmy Carter before they would vote for Reagan. Republicans were freaking out that they were blowing their chance to defeat a very weak (politically)

What I can’t seem to make sense of is the #1 issue in all the polls by far is a candidate to beat Trump, and yet Buttigieg is winning early despite the fact that every poll has him doing worse against Trump than all of the others. A Quinnipiac poll just today in head to heads against Trump had Sanders and Bloomberg at

I look at it as a situation where they just chipped away at their morals and ethics bit by bit and they ended up here when people looked up after 30 years. As this article points out, the Federation did some really bad things, especially in DS9. Fans cheered a lot of these. The amount of praise I have seen for Sisko’s

I don’t think people realize how much Bloomberg does matter. The problem is Bloomberg isn’t trying to reach the 1990 delegate he needs to win on the first ballot, he is trying to make a mess of it so no on gets to the 1990 delegates on the first ballot and then the super-delegates get to vote on the subsequent ballots

The attacks the Republicans are going to run are so obvious, we just have to pick what we want to face. With Biden it’s going to be non-stop Ukraine and Hunter Biden. With Sanders it’s going to be Soviet Union themed communism ads. With Warren it’s going to be New England academic elitist out of touch with America

Actually it’s even worse for Bernie. He did turn out the youth. 37% of voters were first time caucus goers and the 18-29 turnout was the second largest age demographic at 24% which is incredibly high for that demographic. So Bernie got his best case scenario in a 95% white state and basically tied Pete Buttigieg

I’m afraid he is going to win not because he has the majority, but because Democrats can’t seem to find a uniting candidate. The number that has me terrified coming out of Iowa is Sanders and Biden’s support by age. Sanders has less than 5% over 65 and Biden has less than 5% under 30. How do we bridge that chasm?

The biggest takeaway for me from Iowa that terrifies me is the age breakdown. Bernie’s support with voters over 65 was less than 5% and Biden’s support with voters under 30 was less than 5%. These are the two most stubborn voting groups, and I feel like if one of these two is our nominee we are setting on chances on

Yeah they said this a month before the Lite announcement

The problem with Dershowitz’s entire case is he is treating this like some law school exercise or some hypothetical game where you argue the crazy other side. To him, this is just a fun game and thought experiment. It’s the thing liberal academics have done for decades, playing devils advocate and arguing the other

These are the same people who you see nonstop on TV saying Mike Bloomberg would win in a landslide and can’t fathom where the support for Warren and Sanders is coming from.  They literally cannot understand the world for most people.

I’m not so sure. Unreal Engine 4 runs really well on Switch, just look at Dragon Quest XI and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.  They actually hold up pretty well to their PS4/Xbox versions.

This seems like a good time to remind everyone that Elizabeth Warren has an awesome Golden Retriever and actually knows how to interact with a good dog.

As much as I would love to see them all in prison, I think this only ends with them losing elections.  These people have to see that the majority is against them and be forced to crawl back under their rocks.  People going to jail will just reinforce their belief that the deep state is out to get them.

They could always pull a Capcom and suddenly remember how to make amazing games again

If they are holding it until September, why not just wait until November and release it with the new consoles?  If there is any game that could benefit from the next gen hardware it’s this one.

Yeah the Star Wars analogy is closer to Final Fantasy XIII. It was just sold as XIII and not part of a trilogy, and then they added XIII-2 and Lightning Returns. I think that’s their plan here with VII, to have a VII-2 and VII-3, but it doesn’t work as well when people already know the full story.

He met them because he spent millions on states that are months out knowing no other candidates can afford to spend there at this point, which gives him an opening to raise his numbers in those states before they become contested. There is a reason he is at 1-2% in Iowa and New Hampshire, where everyone is actually

No it wasn’t. Star Wars was sold as Star Wars. Not episode IV, just Star Wars. It became Episode IV after the Empire Strike Back came out and was labeled Episode V.  My dad told me he was very confused when he saw “Episode V” in the theater.

My guess is Disney saw the early build of The Last Jedi and recognized the backlash it would generate and started to get scared and took Star Wars back in a “safe” direction.  So instead of more movies like Rogue One and The Last Jedi, we got total cliche and fan service movies in Solo and Rise of Skywalker.  I really