
Sadly, I think the male version of Hillary Clinton would have beaten Trump in 2016.

I don’t know how much of an impact this will have on graphics. Just getting current gen graphics from the 1440p/1800p and 30 fps most high end Xbox One X and PS4 Pro games run at to 4k 60 FPS is going to take pretty much all the processing power of these new systems. When the new systems are dropping below 4k and

My gut tells me the cheaper one will win, even if it’s Lockhart. The speculated $300 price for that system will just be too hard to compete with, even at only 1440p. The cheaper console has won the last three generations. PS2 and Xbox were both $299 when the Xbox launched, but PS2 dropped to $199 six months later and

Sanders has moved into first place in New Hampshire and is tied for first place in Iowa, and is a close second in Nevada. To say he should have got out of the race when he is in the strongest position after Biden is just a weird comment. If he was slipping into 3rd or 4th and Warren was climbing then I would agree

You know, Microsoft could just argue that the Xbox One X was their 4th console and call the new one the Xbox 5 and just stay on the same naming scheme with Sony moving forward. It would be nice and simple.

It won’t work again. Iraq only worked because Americans were still terrified after 9/11 and had an absurd amount of trust for the Bush administration in the wake of it. That trust in government has been absolutely shattered since then and a vast majority of people will not follow the lies into another war.  30-35% may

What I’ve never understood about these people is why they can’t just acknowledge a game isn’t for them and move on. People do that with movies every year, passing on movies they just know won’t be for them and finding the ones they want to see, but with video games and this particular subset of gamers, they have to

This is what conservatives do, they repeat what they did before that worked without realizing that a lot of people have changed and won’t fall for the same crap again. Sure, there will be people that will eat up all the fake news, but those people were all voting for Trump anyway. It’s the one’s who were fooled last

There’s an argument that Clinton winning could have made things worse. After 2016 the Republicans controlled 33 state houses and with 34 could have called a Constitutional Convention where the Constitution could be rewritten at will. If Clinton had won, I would bet that 2018 would have been yet another Democratic

Honestly, the problem with this Democratic strategy is it was created to run against Reagan. It’s not the 1980's anymore, but Democratic leadership still want to organize the party like it is.

Bernie Sanders is not Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn had a 21% approval rating going into the election in the UK. Sanders is above 50% and is a known quantity. It’s gong to be very hard to re-define him and get those numbers to drop significantly.  People have made up their mind on Sanders just like they have on Corbyn. There

Communism in this world has nothing in common with communism as described my Marx. His ideas were used by strong men to become dictators, the way strong men have used ideas and populism to come to power for all of human history.  If you want to see the closest world to communism as Marx described it, look at the

It goes along with being a gullible mark, but I think a lot of his support comes from people who were conned and can’t bring themselves to admit it. It’s easier for them to pretend Trump is doing all the things he promised than it is to admit they were wrong.

That’s the last line Thanos says before he loses and gets killed.  Who thought that would be a good idea?

I just played Persona 5 for the first time a few months ago (my first Persona game) and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.  I really want to play P5 Royal but another 100 hours with all the 2020 games is going to be rough.

There is no way to get an exact number but groups like have dug into it came up with an estimate that 11% of Sanders voters didn’t vote for Clinton. That sounds really bad and would have made Clinton President, but it ignores Clinton’s own history with this same phenomenon. It was estimated that around 15% of Clinton

Maybe not. I would love to see the next generation basically be a PS4 Pro+ and a One X+. Make all the games playable on a PS4 and Xbox One, PS4 Pro and Xbox One X (or Lockhart, which looks like a One X made with cheaper modern parts) or PS5 and Anaconda. Make them run at 1080p 30 on the PS4 and Xbox One, 4k 30 on the

Dealing with Trump’s attacks is going to be critical to the nominee. The fact that Biden let the allegations about his son go unchallenged for weeks terrified me. It was like John Kerry ignoring the swiftboaters in 2004. The two campaigns that have been the best to quickly respond to negative stories have been Sanders

One of the big problems XV had for me was Luna was never really developed as a character. When they killed her I realized they were doing something they thought was really important and impactful, I just didn’t really feel anything because I didn’t really even know her as a character. It felt like they were trying to

Nixon lost to the Congressional Democrats in the Impeachment hearings and cost the Republicans the White House in 1976. You can’t lose to the Democrats, that’s the worst thing a Republican can ever do in their mind. Same reason they hate HW Bush even though he was Reagan’s VP. He lost to Bill Clinton. They blame