
The Justice Department published a report on the rise of white nationalism and the Republicans freaked out so much they threatened to shut down the entire government if the report wasn’t rescinded and several prominent Republican appointed officials threatened to resign over it. Enough Democrats were against the

What the insiders don’t seem to get is the average Democratic voter is thrilled with the choice of candidates. It’s the insiders who are doing the hand wringing and looking for a savior. I feel like the hand wringing is because only three of the top 10 candidates are straight white men (only two of which are Christian)

Basically it’s the cost of a PS5 or Next Xbox at the low end or both of them at the high end. It’s just hard to justify that much money for something that will be very niche for me.

The problem with never Trump Republicans and conservative true believers (not saying these three fit this, but two of the three are closer to that than they are to Trump) is they never realized their foundational values of fiscal responsibility, state’s rights and smaller government were just dog whistles to the

That might work in the very short term, but the country is dramatically shifting and they are fighting an unwinnable battle. I wish the Democratic leadership would stop their obsession with the states they are losing and will continue to lose and start putting all their efforts in to the states they are gaining.

It’s an interesting game in that the sum of it’s parts are much better than the individual parts. I know in my head that it’s got issues, but I honestly think it’s the most I’ve enjoyed a game this year.  I am a massive Star Wars fan, so that’s a huge factor, but it’s one of the few games I would give an 8 or so out

I just don’t see how this appeals to anyone. If you don’t have the money to buy a console, you almost certainly don’t have the money to pay $10 a month for the service plus the full retail cost of all games. For people that can only afford a monthly service, Xbox All Access makes way more sense. $20 a month for a

2007 was also insane. Halo 3, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Super Mario Galaxy, Bioshock, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Portal, The Burning Crusade, Metroid Prime Corruption, and God of War II.

OK so quick clarification, because apparently this never happened. I have heard this story about the 50-50 Obamacare vote in the Senate that Biden broke the tie on multiple times on MSNBC, but that didn’t happen. It was a 60-39 vote in the Senate and a 219-212 vote in the House. I apologize for giving wrong

People don’t understand what the ACA cost Obama and the Democrats. They had 59 seats (with the Independents) in the Senate and a 79 seat majority in the house. Even with this massive advantage they couldn’t get a public option through the Senate and ended up passing the ACA in the senate with a 50-50 tie broken by Joe

Nixon left office at 25% approval rating. It’s been speculated that Trump’s die hard base that will never abandon him is 30-35% of the country. So if I had to guess, I would say that propaganda network is worth about 5-10% extra support. I really do believe that when people start seeing the witnesses testifying and

I would love to see a system where the first few primaries fit the demographics of the current Democratic party more than Iowa and New Hampshire, but that would lead to some other problems in that the highest diversity states tend to be the state with the most expensive media markets, which would make only the

It’s probably a good thing actually. He could really do some damage if he ran as a third party for the general, and if he runs first in a primary and gets embarrassed, he will probably be much less inclined to try it again in the general.  Also, Americans tend to hate losers, and losing a primary then running again

I swear some of those people can’t understand simple political logic. This is just basic politics. All things being equal, or even leaning towards Sanders, of course the Massachusetts Representative is going to back the Massachusetts Senator. Even more so when she is currently leading Sanders in a lot of the polls

The way Iowa works is interesting. The vote is in person and there are two votes. A candidate has to get 15% to be considered viable and only the viable candidates can receive votes on the second vote.  So Iowa is going to be decided by the 20-25% of voters who initially support one of the sub 15% candidates and have

It fits in with what seems to be the current mentality in people (at least in the United States, if not the whole democratic world), which is people don’t really care about their stated values. They don’t really care about freedom across the world, or climate change or human rights or leaving a better planet for the

World of Warcraft is an interesting case. My experience in that has been tanks play really well high and healers play really well drunk, but absolutely not the opposite. Drunk tanks and/or high healers is just plain death.

Is this irony?  Or did this person just completely and uttely miss the entire point of Obama’s comments and do exactly what he was warning against?

The moron has to be setting some kind of record for running a company into the ground.  I wonder where he will fail up to next?

Just another mediocre guy who failed upward and is destroying everything successful he touches. I would hope his career is over after this, but he will probably be promoted to something even bigger