
How did you escape? I must know!

I’d show you, but that email was deleted. /s

^ This! Exactly this!


Wow! You are either the dumbest SJW on the internet or the most epic troll I have seen on Giz in quite some time.

Yes, because communism seems to work so well, Dr_Watson. /s

I also had a VIC20 with a cassette drive. If you wanted to play a game you put the tape in, typed in the command, pressed play on the tape drive, and then went outside to play for 20 minutes while it loaded. Good times.

Thanks for volunteering! After performing said act of science, please quarantine yourself and blog the results for us.

Important things, like maybe learning to spell masturbate?

I haven't even seen a payphone for quite some time.

Don't twist - use an X-acto knife.

What ever happened to the #trollpatrol at Giz?

"10" BUILT-IN BROWSER POWERED BY ANDROID™" ≠ full version of android.




Thanks for expressing your opinion, sweetkiss. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, but some stink much worse than others. If you actually follow the links in the article. you will find that these are actually intended for killing varmints (you know, pest animals that destroy crops), not people. The zombie

By any chance is LinkedIn hosted on a Gibson?

If it were me, I would cancel my life insurance. Just sayin'. ;)

^^ Can't tell if trolling, or just really stupid.