
Yes. Giving the police military gear only serves to reinforce the us vs. them mentality that police use to justify shooting unarmed citizens.

Maybe if you stopped acting like soldiers patrolling Afghanistan, then the ‘civilians’ you’re supposed to work for would stop looking at you like you’re an occupying foreign army.

I voted for Trump and I can tell you, the Trump supporters aren’t silent, they’ve just left Gizmodo because of all the ‘sky is falling!’ articles and the liberals whining in the comment section.

Thermite works.

If you think your friends are douches, what does that make you?

We kept hearing how ‘deplorable’ it would be for Trump to not accept the results of the election, but now it’s OK to demand recounts. The cognitive dissonance is un-fucking-believable.

I think you missed on of the letters there.

“Just when it was looking like at least some crowdfunding could be trust, Pebble has proven that you jut can’t.”

I got no ammo for that particular weapon.

And he’ll make it great again! The clouds will be yuge!

Until they criminalize being a sanctimonious douchenozzle. Then Jeff may have a problem.

Came here for this. Was not disappointed.

If only he had gotten his wanted level higher then we could have known for sure.

Are you seriously going to try to sound indignant while using a double negative?

panthercougar, your reply made me spit hot coffee through my nose and I’m still smiling!

To be fair, you probably could shoot from the hip with it, but you wouldn’t do it a second time. ;-)

Who do you elect? The elitist criminal or the elitist con-man?

You can tell them you do NOT consent to searches without a warrant, but if they insist on searching anyway do NOT interfere, as that’s a good way to get arrested for sure. If they insist on searching without a warrant, get a good lawyer and they may be able to get anything found in the illegal search ruled to be