
@Curves: Doritos vs Pringles; and such debates must be held over a can of Mt. Dew!

@Destronok? Thank you for this post. That was the funniest thing I've seen in weeks! Also, you are absolutely right, make this available to the general public and hilarity will ensue. Personally, I want to see someone try to juggle breakable objects while wearing the GVS.

@itchytooth: Who among us is fit to wield such power, Choad Boy?

@albokay: Alligators pose for the camera. Prototype phones move like Bigfoot, thus rendering cameras useless.

@Arken: I wanna be a space miner! Let's go get some helium!

@Zinger314: don't invite any smokers to your parties?

@Squalor: I agree - instant classic! Futurama - by geeks for geeks. Gotta love it.

@Shane Carroll: That was a very informative comment and it reads like you've really done your research. Good unbiased reporting of the facts . . . Maybe you should be writing for Giz?

@Ninja_peach: Could you please tell which brand of phone it was that caused you to get old so that I may avoid buying one?

@rathat: I would have to agree. I was definitely not expecting that. I had to back it up to see if I had really seen that.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!:That's true. If we stopped coddling such people and let natural selection take it's course there would be far fewer of them.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: What ever happened to being responsible for yourself? Why do people think the government needs to protect us from everything? It has already been proven that prohibition does not work - it only creates a lucrative business for criminals and criminalizes the citizenry.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Yes! At least that's what I what I was led to believe by the 80's G.I. Joe cartoons.

@kitsuneconundrum: Those would definitely give you a little more range underwater and really f@#! stuff up out of the water. However, they are going to be very expensive to feed, but I guess if you can afford to drop $100k+ on the sub that wouldn't really be an issue.

I bet the inside of his hat (which Army regulations prohibit wearing indoors) is lined with tin foil too. That should pretty much explain the picture.

@kitsuneconundrum: Ballistics are horrible underwater. At a depth of just ten feet a standard 9mm is only effective for about ten feet, add another fifteen feet if you just want to play tag.

@Mex: He's modest, he doesn't like to . . . nope! I can't do it. My fingers won't let me type that much BS.