
I WANT! When can I buy the shiny?

@Googlo: This qualifies as sexual harrasment?!? OH CRAP!

@ian.nai: In the video it looks like there is a pin through the pivot for the barrel with tick marks for different angles. If those marks were machined accurately it wouldn't be too difficult to calculate the ballistic trajectory and place the cannon for maximum effect and accuracy.

@ian.nai: Let's be honest. Who here wouldn't get a little carried away if they got their hands on a cannon, even a tiny one. Hell, especially a tiny one.

@ngiardina: If you can use a soldering and a dremel, couldn't you just build this idea from scratch a little cheaper than hacking one of these for $106?

@Phrosty:1. Ignite fireworks from a safe distance on the 4th of July.

They lost me at number three.

@slim934: If you drink 8 cups of coffee in 15 minutes then watch the video it looks normal.

@Travis Gohr: You have my deepest condolences for your condition, Sir.

@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ:The VW is just there for size comparison. The gun is a GAU8 Avenger. These are the guns seen poking out of the nose of the A-10 Thunderbolt. That's right, they mount this gun in a plane!

@Michael Scrip: Michael's right! I want video. The picture shows me nothing. I want to see how the table reacts when a heavy drink is placed on it. Does it move? How strong are the magnets? How much weight can it hold?

@sip: Before you can learn the secrets of this dark magic, you must first sacrifice a virgin hard drive of no less than 500 GB on the Float Altar. Then, and only then, may the dark secrets be revealed to you.

@Nick Denny: You, Sir, are a genius! Probably an evil genius, but definitely a genius!

@8thManOnTheMoon: Chuck Norris doesn't need a hair dryer - he just stares down his hair in the mirror until the water runs away!

@ding-dang: For the $600 dollars this thing costs you could build your own motion trigger for the silly string and LOTS of silly string.

@Stem_Sell: Well, that explains why it's so pristine . . . **STERILIZE***

@atfyfe: Captain Power And The Soldiers of the Future! Pure 80's awesome!