
At my job, I have many dealings day-to-day with government officials. I've noticed that they do not respond to email and refuse to pick up their phones, so I am forced to leave a voice mail. That is the only time I do it. I really don't like fighting with it myself, but can't ignore it when people refuse to use the

I was thinking FRUSTRATION and ANGER.

Oh Florida. Send us your old, your deranged, and of course your clinically stupid. We apparently have room and like the publicity. Facepalm

Is anyone else concerned that he is about to hurt himself?

The first rule..... Harm no Humans.

It's the next step. They had already gotten rid of the cash and replaced it with a "debit card". This is pretty sad when "family game night" can't even get kids away from their electronics for an hour of real life play time. It's like they're saying "look it's almost as if you're interacting with each other, you

@WannaGoBowling: What's more is that you knew basically what you were looking for. In a standard "guard duty" kind of scenario, I doubt that anyone would be looking for that kind of camouflage in particular, thus making it even more effective.

I watched this and would have run away long before the needle was thrown. Did you see the look on his face???? Also, he's a freaking Shaolin monk. I'm outta here.

@ps61318: My friends in college and I used to say that anytime the words "just sayin'" were used the previous statement was rendered completely ineffectual. So, we made a game out of saying it all the time so our conversations were left completely empty.

@TheMightyTexMex: I've got it and I love it. For whatever reason I couldn't get LauncherPro to load, so I went with Go and haven't looked back.

@Biokinetica: In many cases I've found that the reason the apps won't auto-update is that they've changed their permissions, so it's good that they force those changes to be manual updates in case a formerly safe app changes in a way to steal your data/info or whatnot.

@Riff-Raff: Don't forget Mr. Orwell. He would be interested to hear this as well.

@tlewallen: Sorry, wrong post. I'm an idiot.

@UltimateFlank: Don't forget Mr. Orwell. He would be interested to hear this as well.

That is possibly the coolest thing ever. I love the headlamp and the "ground effects" he has on the bottom of the board. Pretty stunning video.

You think it's a game? This s$!& is sick!

Everyone's being so mean to him. Can't you see he's sad? He's making a pouty face and everything. :(

There are a couple things I love about this video:

@Boding: It seems to me that in order to bring it all down, we would need a system that is able to track it. You can't collect or remove what you don't know is there. This could be viewed as the first step in actually being able to get up there to do just what you suggest.

@Caturday Yet?: We'll have to assume from his post it was 1111. Just based upon the number game he's trying to play. Happy 900th birthday Protocol.