
Proof that they faked the landing!!! You can clearly see that the shadow of the astronaut is at a different angle than that of the capsule. Take that!

So....... People in big cities won't see it coming? (Bad joke about light pollution, you can begin to boo me now)

Actually, the photographer is Barcelona born, so maybe he's just witnessing the future of his home town.

Look at the kid in the background at 0:42. He looks a little shell shocked (especially with his time over the minute mark and no blindfold).

The fact that he was able to correct enough after impact to get to his parachute was amazing.

When I worked in the Sam's Club electronics department I became friends with the head security officer at the club. The funniest story he ever told me was how he had caught a couple of Sam's employees stealing DVD players (way back when when they were worth real $). He told me that an electronics associate and a

Is that Mike Rowe doing the voice over? It sounds like the voice changes towards the end, but at the beginning I think it may be him.

"Time to take out the trash..."

"Well, that's it for today. Bye-bye." That's a very calm ending for someone who is very good at making death machines. (not that he is using them for that purpose, but really...)

That, sir, is the funniest comment I've read all day.

That, sir, is the funniest comment I've read all day.

That's because it is very difficult to stay on the course on Rainbow Road.

Then according to the information posted in the article, you suffer from multiple personalities (some from each gender and a multitude of body types).

MY BRAIN!!! For whatever reason, as I was looking at these images I was feeling almost nauseous because my brain was trying it's best to flip the image back around. I think the shots are great, but apparently if something doesn't make sense to my eye, my brain will send my body into spirals of sick.

I like how the in the Chinese knockoff of Facebook, there is no image of the globe behind the connected people icons.

Couldn't be any worse than a number of the tattoos that I see from day to day that people actually paid to have permanently inked onto their bodies.

It seems bad advertisers have REARed their ugly heads, and consumers will once again take it in the BACKSIDE. On the bright side, the TAIL END of this situation should be increased profits and a real shot in the BUTT to the economy.

I recently had the opportunity to hear Mr. Shul give a presentation and as wild and exciting as his stories are, he's really down to earth and cool.

Was that in reference to the audience? I know he had mentioned that the audience was all IBM folks (engineers, employees, SHAREHOLDERS), so that would immediately make him the villain in that respect. I think, however, that out in TV land the majority of people who were watching were rooting for the humans to beat

3D Ridge Racer is the only one that sounds remotely entertaining... and that even sounds crappy.