TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

I mean, the amount is ludicrous but also, that was pretty fucked up what happened to her. But yeah, it’s so typical Jezebel to continue with the focus being on his penis size rather than the fact he paps did something gross and violating to him. Downplaying his reaction is not cool. And we all know damn well this tone

Yeah, I was pretty much thinking this. Equal billing and screen time deserves equal pay, but that's not really the situation in The Martian.

Agreed, this really isn’t a good example AT ALL. She was in the movie for all of what, 15 minutes? The whole thing rested on his shoulders. Now, if we could compare her to another supporting actor with similar screen time and resume, then it would be more relevant.

To be fair, Matt Damon is in The Martian a hell lot longer then Jessica Chastain. Not saying she doesnt deserve more money but maybe she should be comparing her salary in that movie to Sebastain Stan’s and not Matt Damon.

fixed that for you

Opportunistic Monster, thy name is Kris.

In my 20’s I was mostly in love with stupid people. And so were they. ;)

She’s rich and famous, you know how this works.

That sort of sexual policing gives me rapey vibes. It suggests that we have to go against our own bodies and experiences to somehow fuck our way to social justice - which is gross. I don’t need to be shamed or coerced into having sex that I don’t want to have, especially not when its only to further a narrative.


And ERIC FOREMAN is in it. Oh sorry, I meant Topher Grace.

**Edit** Initially the above was supposed to be a joke about how Topher Grace is a bad actor but now I see you have written Tobey Maguire instead of Topher Grace. Its Topher Grace who is in the movie.

I agree that she needs to be compensated for the damage done to her by the hotel. That isn’t what I was suggesting, I was addressing the comment about the incident’s effect on her career.

I agree that it’s unconscionable what the hotel did to let a dangerous person near a guest, but I can tell you that it had a positive effect on her career... and I know that sounds gross.

Or because there’s a reason you engage with a person and not a vibrating piece of plastic. There’s such a thing as comfort, enjoying another person’s company, meeting someone new... Even if you don't feel you can fall in love with them. This person is crass and selfish... I wouldn't follow a word of her advice.

Why should I expect him to care about my orgasms if I don’t care about his?

I don’t get it. Sex is fun even if I don’t come. Why would I want to miss out on making him come? That’s one of the best parts.

Did anyone else think this movie was terrible? I hated this movie. This movie wanted to be some kind of art-house lovey movie paired with a Bourne flick and it just wasn't anything. I was having a good afternoon until I saw this movie come up. Now I feel dreadful. Its all your (and George Clooney's) fault, Clover.

You win an internetz, sir.

Just another opportunity to mock men...

I am sorry, she made 53 million dollars last year. Cry me a fucking river. I know its shitty that she is getting paid less then her male co-stars, but $53,000,000? Fuck them apples.

No, really, I can’t. This thing hardly breaks 10.