TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

In other words - a man once accused of rape remains ‘guilty’, even if he has been acquitted. A woman should never be called a liar, even if the lie has been proven beyond reasonable doubt. No need to prosecute someone who tried to destroy another prson’s life. Great logic. Thank you!

But you are, obviously.

Tell me, how a rape kit comes back negative, yet the accuser claims she has been vaginally raped and went straight to the police? Immaculate rape? How can a man possibly prove his innocence in a case like that?

I have a question for you, if Kane gets charged and is found not guilty and in the process, the accuser is exposed as a liar beyond a reasonable doubt, should she then be prosecuted for falsely accusing Kane?

How about the fact, that there was no DNA in the rape kit? The alleged victim claimed, that she went to police right after she left Kane’s house without cleaning herself up. How do you rape someone vaginally, without leaving a single trace of DNA evidence on the clothing and on the alleged victim’s private parts? No

Congrats, you managed to cram every cliche imaginable into your comment. In the 21st century, the reality isn’t that black/white anymore.

The gap between men and women in paid working hours and the fact that women talk a lot more about their relationships on social media than men is...anecdotal evidence? Uum..ok.

For every guy discussing relationships on social media, there are maybe 100 women. You give me reddit (what would you guys do without it?) I give you a thousand jezebels. It’s not even close and there is plenty of research about it as well. I don’t doubt, that women do more household chores than men, but if you take

“ that’s hardly an excuse for not helping around the house. “

The first one, a correlation between workinh hours and household chores is based on logic and reason (person A works 40 hrs/week, person B works 20 hrs/week. Person B should take on more household chores, to even out the imbalance in working hours), the second one, your argument, is merely anecdotal ‘evidence’. The

Simple math isn’t for anyone, huh?

Think about it long and hard - have you ever excused the action of some dudebro by the level of his intoxication? She doesn’t seem to be drunk at all in the video. She’s walking straight and her speech isn’t slurred at all. Btw, people show their true nature when they are drunk/high, at least that is my experience.

OK, if this was her makeup artist, then it is better than making this joke about an actual disabled person, but for someone who just made a point about calling out people who make inappropriate Halloween ‘jokes’, she comes off as pretty hypocritical imo.

That would make it better? She clearly made fun of disabled people by proclaiming ‘walk’ to the person in the wheelchair. She didn’t say ‘be sober’. If you do this, you somehow lose the moral highground on criticizing shitty Cosby Halloween costumes.

“Sandra Bullock is starring in an all-female Ocean’s Eleven.”

It’s kinda like playing devil’s advocate. I like to do that too sometimes, just as an intellectual exercise, but at least I let people know about it. I also have a friend who, every once in a while comes up with a dramatic, tragic, terrible story and once I reacted like a normal human being would, he gives me that

Hubbard AND Trump? That’s a special kind of cray! Curing that takes time, patience and a special kind of crazy to balance hers.