TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

Uuugh, sorry to hear about your friend. If this had happened to me, it would have felt like a betrayal, to realize that I’ve known someone for quite some time only to find out about this bizarre side of her. To think that some people, even outside of Scientology, think of Hubbard as a genius is weird and to realize

Rational person: a badly written, produced and directed movie which not even a big star could save, plus an unfortunate release date. Nothing else to see here.

An edible dildo? Genius!

How is that better? Aren’t you taking up too much space as well with spreading your bags? I thought this whole ‘don’t spread’ movement was about people (read: men) taking up too much space in public transportation, wasn’t it?

Since this bs about manspreading started on tumblr, it isn’t hard to find tumblr pages devoted to ‘womanspreaders’ and they’re just as bad as men.

women are still considered caretakers and valued for their tenacity in never leaving a relationship. Men are not.

I have to give you that, you *are* funny. Unintentionally obvs, but still.

It should involve a scene where they argue about a nightingale and a lark. I’ll leave the rest up to you.

“ Harner also said she “violated her own code of ethics,”

Ok, the last sentence of my comment was hyperbole, I admit. It’s just that I can’t see what the big fuss she made was all about. She wore panties and abustier instaead of a bra and a bikini, which is pretty much a panties/bra combination.

Calling someone ‘naive’ is now an insult? How the times have changed.

Yes, no one’s entitled to see anyone naked at any time, but her reasons to not wear a bra come across as a bit shallow, considering that she is part of a show that sexualizes it’s actors quite a bit, imo.

“no one is entitled to see anyone naked. “

“We believe women might not only be no worse than men at performing certain tasks in space at home, but actually better.”

I suffered through half of the first season before I dropped out. It’s spectacularly badly written and Viola Davis is criminally underused in it. She is required to show only two faces the whole time - furious or gloomy. It’s almost a parody on legal shows.

She was asked to wear a bra. As part of the spread she agreed to wear a bathing suit. How is wearing a bra a ‘look boobies’ moment and wearing a bathing is not? It’s not like her breasts would spill out of the bra Nicki Minaj style.

Posing in a bra does not mean posing ‘naked’, not even in America. Where is the difference in posing in your underwear for a magazine and being in your underwear on tv as far as the comfort level is concerned?

“But the show isn’t selling a product”