Somebody in that room HAD a gun who shouldn’t have had one in the first place, that’s the whole point of enforcing gun laws!
Somebody in that room HAD a gun who shouldn’t have had one in the first place, that’s the whole point of enforcing gun laws!
Seriously - is there no chance for a third term? All you guys have to do is change the 22nd amendment. Come on!
1 guy assaults a woman, 4 guys seemingly come to her aid risking their lives in the process. Your takeaway - male entitlement.
Unless alcoholism is now legally defined as ‘being Shia LeBeouf’, this headline comes across as rather odd. When you run into trouble with alcohol in public time and again, you most certainly are an alcoholic who no longer can control his drinking habits. Alcoholism is an illness. The guy needs help, rather then being…
No, it wasn’t. Matt Damon being the new poster boy of racism around here for the intellectually unencumbered who just love to fling poo at some big names, usually followed by *he’s the worst* or something to that effect.
What, celebrity/cats matches are a thing, why not celebrity/pigs matches? Would someone please think of the poor pigs!
No I don’t. In what world is casting a black actor for an asian character whitewashing? Some say, even the replacement of the Mindy Park character isn’t whitewashing, bc the book never reveals her ethnicity (haven’t read the book but heard of that theory elsewhere and on this board). This is classic case of…
I’m sure he also functioned as the casting director, as well as producing, writing, directing, and catering, he was also responsible for the food (no asian food, of course). smh
Yes, ‘whitewashing’ by casting a black actor, that’s a euphemism I have to get accustomed to. lol
“by the Journal of the History of Sexuality—basically made you a nervous wreck, with symptoms including anxiety and lethargy and also death!”
That wasn’t the gist of this post. It wasn’t *look at Bieber, he may be a d-bag, but this time he’s a victim, so let’s support him like we would support women, even controversial ones, in this situatiuon*. It basically came down to *tehe, d-bag is trying to sue publications bc of funny dick pics, is secretly proud of…
This, +100 stars.
I wonder what your ethical dilemma is: