TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

You can call someone a douchebag without literally calling him a douchebag. I shouldn’t have to explain that to someone who makes his living stringing together more or less cohesive sentences. I also had no idea, that a conviction for reckless driving would make anyone fair game for the most egregious invasion of

So, female celebrity takes out cease and desist letters to outlets in order to remove nude pics, yet delcares she’s not embarrassed by them, bc she embraces her imperfections (#everywomanisbeautiful) = body positive, feminist hero

Are you aware, that it is neither against the law nor uncommon, esp. in online journalism, to show more than one picture? Just browse through an abundance of jezebel stories and you’ll recognize, that visuals do play an important part in online media. Just sayin’...

Mother is granted 5 weeks with her children in America. Mother declares that she will keep the children beyond that deadline and thus knowingly is committing a crime. Iyo, that shouldn’t even be relevant in court, when deciding who will get custody? Ohkaaay

So showing a second picture would have left readers completely confused and disinterested in the story? Got it!

How can there be recent pictures of the happy family if they have been seperated for years and are in a bitter tug of war over child custody? Don’t be ridiculous! This site has no problems posting loads of pics if needed, they decided to show only the mother for a reason. End of story.

“innocent until proven guilty”

“...there aren’t a lot of pictures of them and their kids together?”

“Because, you know, one can’t exactly discover a new place if nations of people were already living there for centuries.”

Ask yourself - why only one picture on top of a story about two people? Listen people, here’s the loving mother all smiles and oh, there’s also this other guy. Did that serve an agenda, designed to tilt sympathies towards one party against the other party? Hmmm....

I dunno. What would you have preferred? A stock photo of a blood dripping vampire with the caption’Fairly accurate depiction of the father’? That picture of Rutherford all smiles, was that taken right after she sent her lawyer to get her ex husband’s visa revoked so he could no longer see his children?

This is a story about TWO people and their children, yet we only see the loving mother in a picture. I simply wanted to give a face to the other side of this story. ‘We’ haven’t been arguing at all!

Going behind your spouses back and using backchannels to get his visa revoked and thus deny him access to his children and then abduct the children by refusing to honor an agreement to let them fly back to Monaco after 5 weeks, what exactly does this say about character?

We talk about two parents and their children, we should see them both and not just one in a cute picture while the other remains faceless in this post.

In all fairness, this is the “very, very cold and calculated” guy, who’s “subtly verbally abusive”, just so we know who we are talking about and not just watch a picture of the loving mother with her child:

“in which a man is physically forced to perform oral sex on a woman” *and by that woman*.

Funny, how people on this site can always weasel out on the most stupid comments by simply declaring - *jk*! If only there was something like ‘ironic misogyny’. If you could beat me to the punch by posting a gif that actually comments on my post and not using the usual tired old memes that you always use when a guy

You’re not exactly lowering my self esteem by posting nonsensical gifs.

Yes, her logic is baffling - ‘I’m insecure and full of neuroses and I want others to feel the same way, so that we can meet eye to eye’. That’s one way to get through life I guess.