If you hate it so much, why do you spend seemingly all of your free time hanging out here?
If you hate it so much, why do you spend seemingly all of your free time hanging out here?
It read like an article desperate to have something to say but with only a cursory understanding of the specific players involved here.
The culture of philanthropy is a bit of a bonkers hangover from Victorian thinking and really what we should be doing is building a society which skews fairer instead of relying on…
Because GRRM bizarrely doesn’t know how an ash is pronounced.
(Hint: A few different ways but never as a long ‘a’)
Don’t you come around here with your “common sense” and “good ideas”.
It was...okay. It played out like a mid season arc for Clone Wars.
Thanks, I like praise!
Is it snark?
I read it as sincere.
But then I do genuinely think that JGL is super awesome and that he can do no wrong.
How to Train Your Dragon is one of my all time favourite animations and I don’t know how it happened. I feel quite possessive of it.
So much so that when the “okay-it’s-fine-I-guess” movie, Love and Monsters recycled the opening from it beat for beat I felt immediately cross.
Seriously, watch the two side by side, for…
Not long after seeing Toy Story 4 I was playing with my oldest child and pretending a rock was jumping off a bench into a puddle of mud and I suddenly got this horrible sinking feeling that I had just imbued this rock with life and that now this rock would have to work out who he was and why no other rocks were…
Nothing ever mattering for longer than one writer’s tenure is one of the biggest complaints I have about modern comics.
I’m in the middle of a health kick but this actually makes me think “Fuck running. I’ll just get one of these.”
I think it’s pretty clear that I am!
HAIM videos don’t count...
Do Thom Yorke collaborations? Because ANIMA was ace.
Don’t worry, Vin is on the side of “Sock ‘em”
I hope she doesn’t.
Not back to Spider-Man - not back to anything.
Free Tibet!
Casting Directors: Nah, you right, we are pretty lazy. We’re good, hammerbutt. We’re good.
Apparently not.
Casting for most of GoT supposedly took place in late 2009 and he was cast as Conan in mid-2010.
Totally forgot that Conan movie even existed.
Looking back, it turns out I actually reviewed it.
Malingo of the past... did not love it.