
Man, GoT temporarily turned me around on Jason Momoa.
He was always the thing about Atlantis that I enjoyed the least.

I always have time for Ben Wheatley and his adaptations have always seemed his weakest to me. Rebecca was pretty uninspired and High Rise got lost in its own story.

I got yew.
Yew - wood.

Some shoutout for Everything Is which is pure unfiltered Jeff Magnum...

I would write a letter to David Copperfield (the fellow, not the fiction) about a penguin called Stanley who can’t find his magical JCB and he searches the world, meeting the incredible Jonathan Mousetown who shows him that the real magical JCB was inside him the whole time. Then Stanley grabs a box cutter and...

I mean, if you like?

But it seems a little more on the side of trying to get someone to take responsibility for their own dodgy decision-making.

What would your advice be? Because if it isn’t some variation of “You keep sleeping with a jerk! If that upsets you, stop sleeping with this jerk!” I don’t think it’ll be very

This is harsh.
While I think there are some pretty worrying people over there, the majority of us are not like that.

“Metal Gear?!”

Catapults someone who has replied to your comment back into the grey. I think only the poster can see it after that.

I am SO glad there is a community of us.

Truly, he gave it to us.

I got dismissed by FeministOnFire which is HILARIOUS.

Good lord!

I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.

Are we lauded?
Who lauds us?
I’ve never been lauded before.
I quite like the idea.

Any number of reasons as to why someone might need distance from a situation before talking about it - not least because you might actually want to put bread on your table in an industry infamously unfair to <here you may insert “women,” “Asian voices,” “people who call out sexual assault,” or all three>.

Nothing about

I did, but do not feel enlightened

Why do all these Fox animations look identical?

He’s eating a lovely bit of squirrel in heaven now

And will remain as basically inedible as when it went in.