
In Britain, though, transphobia has become part of their progressive platform.

They were looking for drugs.

Fully intentional. It was a very sad bird.

I know Dean Cain is a bit of a nightmare in real life, but I absolutely love The New Adventures of Superman. Its silliness is what makes it so good and having a guy who is essentially a tank in suit try for mild-mannered Clark Kent is never not funny.
He is a GOOD Superman. As in: a Superman who is GOOD. Not

Birds use magnetic fields to navigate and I’ve never seen a bird make a mistake (maybe a stupid dunnock once) so maybe what we need is a magnetometer each to help us divine all the correct choices for decisions we have to make.

You're a hero

Glad we agree! What a jerk hole!

Don’t ask me to sign any more autographs, okay? Peace and love but I can’t be fucked to write my name on something for someone who thinks I’m great. Peace and love. No more autographs!”

You’re thinking of Eugene Levy

He lllllloved it!

You haven’t met the internet have you?

Fully agree about the amoral militaristic group of survivors. That is by far the weakest element in the show, but the brain-wiped super-soldier girl is also tropey as all hell.


I need names, I need places, I need dates.

Really surprised to read this because what I watched was a well executed but very standard mecha Vs monsters anime.

Jesus fuck! Careful! You made me jump out of my skin! 

That whole business was... Really something.

I moustache you one question: how did you Nazi it? It’s reich there!

Too much space between the ‘tache and the mouth.
If it’s Hitler, his head must be like 3 feet long.

If my WhatsApp history leaks I’m done because I am VERY racist and sexist in private. Whoo boy, you don’t even wanna know, like this one time I said- WAIT! You don’t get me like that, either or my name isn’t President Joseph Fortenbrass Biden XII.