
No, it’s cool! I don’t find Linkin Park to be unbearable...Sure I know a little about Norse mythology...oh you think it’s real? Yeah, it could be real, I guess. As real as any religion, am I right?...Um well, my star-sign...pineapple on your pizza?! NO! No one is that hot! No one!”

Good first impression: hold out the back of your hand for them to sniff, then when they are comfortable that you are not threatening, scratch them behind the ears and under the chin. From there you can move on to petting and, it goes without saying, heavy petting.

Bad first impression: That one you do of The Mask.

*Skim reads title*
Wow, Doctor Who is a jerk!

I don’t know what that means but it sounds absolutely filthy.

Wear sunscreen

No one cares, but I have such a crush on Vanessa Bayer.
She is super awesome.

It’s more disappointing bad than fun bad.
Disappointing bad because it makes a feint toward being good at a couple of points and then dicks it all off.

That’s QUITE an opinion you got there.

I’m glad I’m not taking crazy pills. It’s been getting some weirdly positive write ups elsewhere and I just found them impossible to square with the movie I watched.

This is only what rational non-idiots who don't make a fool of themselves on the internet would think.

Aaahhhh! So did you!

I can only concede here. I was dumb.

Wrap it up - close the comments. This one’s the winner.

It even rhymes!”

Come on, it’s assonance. For shame on whoever taught you English!

Glad you said this so I don't have to.

Blues Clues and You is great and Josh is great and even though he does FACES he is super cute.

LOL! This is brilliant parent news:

Did you know kids use offensive language in an offhand way without fully grasping the ramifications of it?
Oh, you didn’t know that?!

Kickstarter keeps trying to get me to back one of these dumb fucking things.


Jesus, the soundtrack is SO wrong in this movie.

I like XTC, they're underrated on the world stage.