
Got my 60GB model shortly after the announcement that Sony was discontinuing it about a year after launch. You could still easily find them a couple months before the holiday rush. The BestBuy I got it from had over 100 of them collecting dust, with only a handful of 360s and no Wiis to speak of. They were still the

@smber2c: One convo I had when interviewing a 'Type 1' actually made some sense:

It's been my experience when actually talking calmly/ intelligently to people who partake in such actions, that most pirates fall into 4 catagories:

As long as Sony doesn't change their pricing structure, I don't care.

@VakeroRokero: Now there's someone who knows their Nintendo history. Nintendo is notorious for either waiting until the competition shows their hand, or when the current console (home or hand-held) dips below some invisible line of profitability.

@R0YB0T: Hit the nail on the head. There's so much BS and hot air in here that it's sickening.

The original E3 trailer had this one of the very few games I was really looking forward to on the PS3 at the time. How Sony could have passed on this is beyond me.

I'd call Re-armed more of a 'tribute' title then a 're-release'. Calling it a re-release implies they just updated the graphics and sound of the game.

@Spartan1308™: You're right. I forgot about the xbox soft-mod. Mainly because it required much more work, and in most cases equipment that was harder to come by and total more expensive then a single mod chip. You also still had issues when wanting to upgrade to a bigger HDD and it was much easier to brick your xbox

@Spartan1308™: You're right about the profit part, but making the 360 HDD open like the PS3 would change nothing on the piracy issue.

@Spartan1308™: "The HDD was rarely used for legitimate purposes. It was simply abused by people pirating and modding games. "

@CCCombobreaker: No shit Sherlock. Nobody was arguing what size HDDs were in the 360. But you're trying to justify the prices of X360 drives by stating most other external drives are similarly priced, which is complete BS.

And those not wanting to get ripped off upgrading to a bigger HDD for their 360 should look up how to swap it with one of these drives and save some money.


I could just picture someone in a Blizzard staff meeting saying:

I was going to seriously read those statements with an open mind, until I saw his web comic.

@Calhoun: The show was picked up on Comedy Central to run the old and new episodes. The DVDs are actually the start of the new seasons. If they are popular enough they'll get signed on for more.

@justhesh: Totally get where you're coming from. When FG came out, it was different. But that's not WHY I liked it. I liked it because it was funny and entertaining.

@Teamwork Takedown: I think people are just so flooded with stimuli in today's world, that anything that doesn't change after a few years suddenly becomes 'played out' or old. Which is ridiculous.