
Wow, that update video pretty much explains why I don't play as much on-line anymore.

@bradvt: I'd love to see that Bronco concept become a reality, but we'll see about 342 more different crossovers before that happens.

@Jim-Bob needs more two stroke and less hybrid!: As long as my wife thinks its cool (which she does), I could give 1/2 a rat's ass what anyone else thinks while I'm driving it. And yes, as soon as the abarth SS comes out I will be driving this puppy.

Is that an Ohio license plate?

Let's have a half-time show featuring a pedo.

@iamspoo: Exactly. No way Apple would get away with charging anything more then what they are at know.

@sameoldoctor: Are you kidding? We will see nothing but pointless re-hashed articles about every atom of whatever is shown on Wednesday.

I completely agree with her 'article' with one major exception:

@MacWins09: Awww, you're just upset cause you can get 'The Glow'!

@MacWins09: Who's the most annoying troll on Gizmodo?

680 HP and he didn't upgrade the housing? Wish that 2nd piece cut off his foot. That would teach the Retard.

Holy cow that looks just like the top of my Groom's cake from March! Where the hell did that woman put those wedding photos!

It's going to be tough in 18-36 months when I actually want to get a new car (I'd like to stay debt free for awhile in this current economy). Bearing in mind no further disasters to the not so big three, there could be a new Boss mustang or whatever special edition Camaro being pimped out. I'm a sucker for muscle

@chitownguy: Absolutely right. I am sick of the ignorance that certain cars cannot drive on anything but mid-summer dry roads. If you are going to keep the semi-slick, summer performance tires on any RWD car during bad winter weather, then you deserve to be upside down in a ditch somewhere. Hopefully out of sight

@Jnas: @KentKarma: I personally think it's about 5 years too late, since the mainstream popularity of dragonball has dwindled as far as ticket sales are concerned.