
I guess you don't know you've made it these days until you're the newest target of hate from the whiny 'I hate anything that I liked, but now it became popular so I'm no longer unique' crowd. Congrats Seth!

Remember when we said next year will be the year for the PS3? Yeah no, we meant NEXT year.

@Solo_Racer: I completely agree, but it was a generalization, you knew where I was coming from. A couple more before I call it a night:

Oh! 2 more:

The cars d-bags drive always vary year to year. It's all about the paraphernalia guys. You know you're looking at a d-bag if you see the following, in no particular order:

The original was one of the most memorable and cherished games of my NES days. Was hyped about rearmed ever sense the announcement. But I was worried it wouldn't be a proper remake and just be another cheap XBLA title.

Sure, journalists know what they are playing, but why would Capcom let the public see anything that's not part of the final build? It's not like the average reader of the site won't RTFA and just use it as another excuse to hate on the wii. Oh wait...

It's announcements like this that really separate who I quantify as real gamers and just angry, ignorant fanboys.

Anytime a 'which old IP would you like to see remade' discussion would come up, Bionic Commando was always my first answer, followed closely by Kid Icarus.

Ugh. One of the few games I was really looking forward to on the PS3. I still play the trailer once in a while in anticipation. But this explains why it was MIA at the show.

I just want to see them finally break down and give the keys to the STIG, just for one lap!

Good Lord! Good thing nobody else was in the D-thru at the time.

@HamThePharoah: Memory is insanely cheap nowadays (1GB of standard DDR2 RAM can be found for under $20). Unless you plan on doing a complete overhaul on your PC in the near future, I recommend making that purchase your first priority.

@fraggenstein: You're absolutely right. Why isn't there an article on how MGS4 didn't boost the 360 sales enough this month? (rolls eyes)

This has been discussed TO DEATH. There's no point in making this another 250+ comment article that goes nowhere (since this is and always has been a non-issue).

I'm curious as to how many people out there have their big HDTVs on a rotating mount. I got the 22" at my desk on one, but only because some web sites and long writing sessons are easier to view that way.

@Gino Camaro: You may be in for a surprise then. He was listed in a few preliminary script treatments before the final one was approved after the writer's strike. Considering the time it takes for ILM to get those models made, it could happen. Him and his 'cargo' were some of the few characters going toe-to-toe with

You never know. Their great work could have landed them access to work on some early PSP2 dev hardware. Who better to get a couple great demos done when the hardware is shown?

That's hilarious. All is fair in PvP I guess.

11/12??? Who the hell was still in 12th place through all that?