
Arguing about price when discussing anything Apple-related is pointless. If a game was priced at $50, there would still be a group of apple fanatics to justify it.

I've heard 2 units with the same issues so far, so I didn't try for a hat-trick. I just assumed it was another gimmicky branded POS. Maybe its just hit or miss? At least we'll be able to tell who's using the MGS headset ;-)

The Pro-iPhone comments are funny, because all of these points were made a few years back when the iPod was getting 'games'. At least then they made a little more sense. I mean, look at how many iPods are out there. I remember similar 'Forbes' articles claiming the end of the DS then too. Didn't happen.

@Shiryu: Awesome pic! I needed the laugh.

@baberg: Exactly. God forbid a reviewer should actually be allowed to make a criticism about the game they are reviewing.

LOL, That's the first laughing spit-take I did just reading a headline in a while.

If anything these comments just make the die-hard MG fans look even worse. Adam wasn't knocking the game at all, just stating the obvious about the NDAs and why it sucked from a reviewer standpoint. As someone else stated early in the comments, its sad that he had to break it down as far as he did to get his point

Gotta love irony. It seems the more agitated self-proclaimed 'core' gamers get toward the Wii, the better it does. A whole yin/yang, good/evil balance thing going on.

(spoiler alert)

I'm disappointed that Capcom decided to change the game to cater to the few whiners on the internet. The 'whiny' numbers are always tiny in comparison to the target audience. But it's always easier to appease the PC gods to save face rather then defend your product. And each time the world becomes a little more

Really? You care THAT much about a review score on a game you already pre-ordered and will love regardless? It's not a 2/10 for jebus sakes.

That female transformer Arcee ([]) was supposed to be in the first movie, but they had to cut her due to time/budget/script issues. Mattel even had a toy already done from the concept work that ILM did for her. She was supposed to be a bike so........

@UmaroLovesMilk: @Maxxofor: The first quest you need to use a booster or 2 to get to the location in time (you'll be in front of the broken gate in the background). Just keep clicking around with the end beacon, I just lucked out the 2nd attempt.

@the_funny_thing_is: Me too. How can you get to lvl 80 if they stop your xp at lvl 20? Actually did the quests and got all of Mario's gear, but its useless if there nothing left to do in the game....

@R3load: Nah, they have the 'scratch magnet' metal backs. I had to get a case for my Nano. Babied it the first few weeks I had it and it still looked like it was dragged down the street.

I've found that most people that are quick to bash the Zune admittedly have not used one enough to form a logical opinion.

@Ramonskito: Starcraft 1 was released over 10 years ago. I remember having great matches in quake on a dial-up connection long ago, so by your comparison I should be just fine in recent FPS games with the same number of players too? Even 5 years ago the internet was a different beast and having a smaller pipe from

There's obviously not allot of PC gamers in this thread with all the whining about those requirements. Even though those stats are fake, they are extremely modest for a new game. Even for Blizzard.