
I actually suggested the same thing : D

No, she just doesn’t like 97% of american cars.

Was the trip okay? Did you take it all the way?

THIS is a solid strategy. Gracias amigo.

Dalida’s brother was thiiiis close to buying one last year. Dalida talked him out of it and when he came to his senses, less than 24hrs later, the car was sold.

My sister knows my love for cars (After all, I did change radiator at 10 degree weather.) and seriously considers the suggestions. Last week we looked at IS350 and ISF. The insurance scared her a little on ISF, and shady history of a higher mileage ISF scared me. So, we’re back to the drawing board.

Had my sister listened to me, she’d be driving a Juke, or a CX-3 or 850T with a swapped manual. But she doesn’t so I gave her the most ridiculous and definitely out of the $ range options.

She’s considering CX-5 with a manual. I insist on a used Speed3.

Bro suggested Juke. Juke suggestion got nuked.

Holy guacomole. My sister made it.

That’s it. My kid is not going to college.

Remy LaCroix?

I have Hyundai from the last decade (2005). 124k miles and nothing that my DYI hands haven’t been able to fix.

Sweet baby Jesus. I would donate my neighbour’s kidney just to watch techs do this live.

In Detroit you donate plasma as you go.

IIRC he was working for GReddy, not Trust.
Nevermind. I never learned the lesson that GReddy is Trust’s. Too soon’d... :(

This is the most damn glorious thing in the history of Patrols. Even as a kid growing up around 4th gen Partols I always thought they could be improved. I just never thought they’d be improved by VW.

Is it possible that Elon is the reason why he left?

Hey, on the plus side, you get a Ferrari experience at the fraction of the cost.

As one male to another (to myself): Mr Regular is fairly handsome. I was expecting a 40 year old, balding guy with a beer belly and a thick glasses.