
I bought one of these on September 25 and it’s already not working. First the alarm would go off only for 1 minute, and then shut down, and now it doesn’t work at all.

I bought one of these on September 25 and it’s already not working. First the alarm would go off only for 1 minute,

I think you’re ignoring taxes/tariffs that one has to pay for Miata in Taiwan, and that’s why your price is off.

Sweet baby Jesus, this gave me goosebumps. Thank you for this excellent photo-essay article thing.


Was about to start frantically changing my passwords, when I remembered that I’ve had 2 step auth. for a looong time.

Hold on, I need more drugs for this.

I applaud you for the attempt, but beginning of Yeltsin would mean black on black errrythin, tinted windows and most likely a Mercedes.

Whenever I see an article about washing a car, I show people this.

This should have been in the new Ghost In The Shell movie.

Same boat.

Nah, man, it’s millennials. They’re at fault! Haven’t you heard?

Now playing

I’m very much free-market, but I want to cry when I hear about farmers being abused. These people put their heart and soul into the land and animals they raise for us, city dwellers, and we do so little in return. Fuck John Deere and their lawnmowers, their hats, their boots jackets and other jackshit.

Goddamit. I hope these people don’t get a chance to grow old. You don’t fuck with another man’s vehicle...

Sadly, that P2 V70R is the worst option on the list. You need about 35 pages worth of maintenance to validate that purchase price, even at 91k miles.

Thanks, but I’ve already had my 78 year old neighbor forward this to me in an email. 

I’m gonna remember this for my next interview.

Or as they call it in Australia - Saturday brunch warm-up.

Tom, I love you <3

I want to marry you just so I can meet your father. I don’t even care if you’re a woman or a man.

Will you share your LeMans experience? I’ve never even been close to such monumental event