I have no clue why there would be a “parking enforcement hotline.” But just because a city has a dumb-as-the-day-is-long “hotline,” That doesn’t mean you have to use it. If the city built a Jumping Cliff, would you jump off it?
I have no clue why there would be a “parking enforcement hotline.” But just because a city has a dumb-as-the-day-is-long “hotline,” That doesn’t mean you have to use it. If the city built a Jumping Cliff, would you jump off it?
If you are calling the police on parking violations and you live in a city of any size, wouldn’t you basically be on the phone with the police anytime you stepped out of your house?
Joe Biden has run for president many times. He has never even placed in the primaries. He’s not going to be the candidate. “Name recognition” can’t make up for the fact that he just doesn’t move and inspire people. Someone who does will win, especially after losing with a candidate where that was her biggest (only…
Donald Trump is a truly stupid human being. But even he has the good sense to be scared shitless of Bob Mueller. These people are “dancing in the lions’ den wearing a full meat suit” level of stupid.
This loony toon didn’t get the message that deficits don’t matter when the GOP is in charge. She needs updated talking points.
Yeah, being able to just go buy the AR-15 at Walmart means any lazy asshole with a credit score can kill lots of people. It’s not even hard.
Go fuck yourself you piece of human garbage, I don’t have to write a ten paragraph tome because you make stupid assumptions. And people in Idaho or wherever can go buy their food at a fucking store. Or hunt using whatever guns are left. Or crossbows. Or their hands. I don’t give a fuck.
If Andrew Gillum did receive a Hamilton ticket from a lobbyist and if that makes him a “thief,”--taking one ticket for a play--then Donald Trump and the rest of his grifting operation makes him goddamn Vincenzo Peruggia.
I’m just happy to have been nominated. It’s a real honor.
I am totally for being super liberal with what guns are banned. I really don’t think anything I said was trying to obfuscate that. I really couldn’t care less if some peoples’ hobbies are encroached on (shooting, hunting, etc.). I don’t think there is much to discuss. A hobby is not as important as reducing death tolls…
I thought it wasn’t an October surprise because it in no way will hurt him. For him, everything in this story is on net a positive. Are there decent people out there that were going to vote for him, saw this, and won’t now? No. Those people don’t exist. But this does help him with his informed base. They know who he…
AR-15s are a part of this story. Nobody talked about AR-15s when the guy was sending (shitty, luckily) bombs in the mail, because it wasn’t related. Platitudes about “tolerance” are not going to keep guns out of the hands of hateful nutjobs. Banning their sale will. Confiscating them will. McCain isn’t that stupid.…
Did Trump call someone else “crazed and stumbling?” Trump doesn’t have the standing to call a drunk pigeon crazed and stumbling.
She was on Ambien and also has a black half-sister or some shit
Well, 100% of people that act like you are rapists, so there is that.
The caravan will arrive on Dec. 24th. These people will go straight from church to their Klan rally where they yell about keeping these people out by any means necessary.
*Lower taxes for the rich.
Steve Doucy doesn’t understand how money works. When he gets the the checkout line at the grocery store, he just hands the clerk his keys.
A last minute decision? So he just had everything necessary for a 5-year-old’s Hitler costume just laying around the house?
The call for unity, as others have said, was a hostage tape. Trump does not believe he did anything wrong. That is the best case scenario here. His narcissism does not allow for self reflection, so for him to reevaluate himself is a laughable nonstarter. It won’t happen. The more dangerous path to come from this is…