Yeah, I wouldn’t ask anyone to go in alone. You need a group and a plan. I guess it can be hard to get a group of sane people to go to Erie, PA.
Yeah, I wouldn’t ask anyone to go in alone. You need a group and a plan. I guess it can be hard to get a group of sane people to go to Erie, PA.
Why are there not coordinated efforts to disrupt these fascism-fests? Are there, but we don’t hear about it? If you live in one of these backwoods places where he does his rallies, go and boo the hell out of him. Yell shit until they throw you out.
If massive corruption can bring in the biggest looney tune from the other side, I think we need to go with HamNo 2020!!!
The smartest person in the world watching cable news at any given time is usually of below average intelligence. I don’t know a single person I respect that regularly watches this shit.
There have literally been two members of the administration and one senator who have been hassled in restaurants by protesters (you cannot include the Huckster as she was politely asked to leave by the owner of the restaurant, which, again, you could complain about but is not even by the largest stretch of the world,…
Also keep in mind that everyone in North Dakota receives the exact same ballot for federal elections. They only have one Rep. So the imaginary harm this “prevents” is what? People falsifying North Dakota drivers licenses and then going through the effort (which would require going to North Dakota) to complete their…
It is very clear that these educators are very prepared for an active shooter situation and there is nothing wrong with any crazy person that wants a gun to get that gun without delay. Our children will be protected by our trained and dedicated educators.
The angry mobs on capitol hill were one thing, but now you’ve crossed the line that can never be crossed. You did the one thing that is the worst thing a person can ever do to another person. You called a racist out for being racist. Make no mistake about this. However bad a racist’s racism is, it does not compare to…
It is very much possible that Brett was simply shitfaced, and he was “playing a joke” and not actually trying to rape Ford, and he doesn’t remember this at all. But then, he lied straight through his teeth about the drinking and whatnot, and he was a shitty, partisan-even-for-today candidate and showed his ass. Either…
I think you are putting a little too much stock in your extremely cherry picked example there, buddy. Trump’s net approval is right in line with where it has been for most of the year.
Usually this kind of question is followed up with asking for cash. I mean, I like the environment and all, but I’m not giving a guy with a mo-hawk any cash just because he’s wearing a green shirt and says it is for charity.
This is 100% store-brand, been-on-the-shelf-way-too-long Tomato right here. Or hear.
Well, polling suggests that isn’t true. I can’t argue with a gut feeling, but I just don’t see it. And unless your son or your husband is on the short list for the Supreme Court, it’s kind of hard to see how you’d possibly make that connection and how that fear would resonate.
The truly deranged dipshit was already energized, at least for the most part. The only constituency that may have really gotten riled up is the politically apathetic sexual assaulters, which on second part might be a pretty hefty portion of the right.
Also, a grand total of 13 of people, and the guy on the far right looks like he may just be a confused bus driver.
100% this. It is also why the “deep state” exists. How can you blame others when you control the entire government? Well, convince a bunch of inchworms that you don’t in fact run the government, but instead a cable of Clintons and other Marxists do. You’re juuuust about to stop them, but need a bigger donation this…
Graham must have missed his fainting couch in the morning and bonked his head real good. Kavanaugh will be reduced to a pile of half empty Bud Ice Light cans by the time the new year rolls around. Really, this is just stupid. Democrats can attack Kavanaugh all day long. Who are Republicans going to attack? Ford???
To be fair, if there were any young men that looked like Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh, it would be a pretty scary time for them, too. #benjaminbuttondisease
The full vote is really the one that matters, and was obviously what I was referring to as my example used 5 senators walking out and a 48-47 vote. Hell, they can go forward with a full vote even if the committee doesn’t vote for him, if they want.
But he is a partisan, lying hack who is not remotely qualified for the position, and it absolutely true that any woman that performed like that would be institutionalized. So, means to an ends and all that.