Democrats: Run on packing the courts. Bring a gun to a gun fight. Do it. Stop being fucking pussies.
Democrats: Run on packing the courts. Bring a gun to a gun fight. Do it. Stop being fucking pussies.
I think we are definitely on the path towards things like that happening, but not yet. The road to a completely fascist dictatorship is a serious possibility, but I agree with the response that this is not where we are... yet.
At best, this is the Republicans demanding enormous praise for making nominal adjustments to a heavily bureaucratic process. Like, “we didn’t totally fuck one thing up as much as people thought we would, so we are awesome.” The media will totally eat up their lowered expectations nonsense and give them that praise,…
Also live in DC (Capitol Hill), and while I can’t say that they are louder or stronger, I do feel that there are a lot more going off this summer than usual, at least where I live. Usually, fireworks are pretty sparse except for July 4th and for about a week after July 4th as those that just didn’t have it in them to…
Has this cum stain ever asked Trump to apologize for “both sides”? Nope, that was “too ambiguous” for an apology to be necessary. But Maxine Waters is clearly promoting riots in the streets because she said these turds shouldn’t “feel welcome” and that we should “push back.” I mean, coming from the mouth of a black…
My guess is that all of these people are standing up to wipe.
I think it is past time for a lot of abortion providers to get that ol’ religious feeling about it.
Don’t you already do that on FS1?
“These aren’t our kids”
Shit, I meant to say “enrage” instead of “engage.” I hope that was clear. I don’t want to engage Republicans. I want to enrage them.
They should definitely add 2 members to the Supreme Court. I would add a member whose sole purpose would be to vote in opposite Neil Gorsuch and to do nothing else. No matter how Gorsuch votes, this person would vote the other way. If Gorsuch recuses, this person would recuse. Gorsuch may be able to write opinions,…
You have to be actually mad, not internet pretend mad, to go stand out in the heat to protest. I can’t see anyone getting past internet pretend mad enough to actually go protest this business. This all really lays bare how phony conservatives are with their persecution complex. I just really wish they actually had…
I was thinking that some of their guests probably ask to be “Black Lives Matter” so they feel they can drop the N-word indiscriminately, but they probably do that anyway.
“Everyday Americans”
“Call Stephen Miller...”
“You said I was correct! No take-backsies”
Very raw and very real for the rich, white, and powerful. So brave.
Our country is full of disgusting people that we can staff these facilities.
I honestly don’t think that their actions nor Trump’s tweet will hurt their bottom line. I also think that Sanders’ initial tweet would likely be responsible for the vast majority of social media/review website hate. I don’t think the social media hate is going to hurt their demand. I’m not sure how much work they can…
Most grandmas suck anyway, so I kinda agree with just getting rid of them (but not mine).