
“illegal immigrant children” is what they say.

Any Republican over the last 15 years that has even glanced over at Democrats to be a part of a compromise on immigration has been branded as supporting amnesty, threatened with a primary opponent, and has strolled back to the right-wing’s all-or-nothing position. Fucking Rick Perry was blasted as a

Another source:

These are asylum seekers. They have not been convicted of any crime, and may never be. And the fact that you think there is no one protesting or complaining about mass incarceration (or bullshit bail policies since you reference “jail” though I think you mean “prison”) just proves you are intentionally obtuse or a

I see you are as big of a cunt today, but with a new name, Tomato Face.

He was doubling down on this on Fox this morning. He does not feel that this is a gaffe at all. These assholes are emboldened to be assholes because Trump has unleashed a wave of hate and evil.

Yep. For the most part, Republican policy has been to not care about anyone that wasn’t filthy rich for the past many decades. But they at least cared about carrying on some veneer of civility. “Compassionate conservatism” was always a joke, but goddamn if I don’t miss them at least pretended to be something other

When Trump walks, he looks like the last bowling pin that won’t decide whether or not it is going to fall.

It’s much harder to tell what he’s doing wrong in this one (other than the fact that he doesn’t get close to actually completing the lift) compared to the other video. The other one made me cringe, which is especially bad because honestly I’d love to see Junior hurt himself.

Well, to be fair, he is doing better than his father. At least when Junior wakes up in a piss-soaked bed, it’s his own piss.

Oh god, one day some assholes are going to name elementary schools after Donald Trump.

I’m sure that no Republican ever will ever criticize a future Democrat president for doing something that Trump did even a little bit of the same thing. Won’t happen. They will say “Well this is okay because Trump did something like this, but not as bad, too. Carry on.”

Fuck off, loser.

You are literally the worst troll on the internet. And by that I mean ineffective. You give yourself away, despite a new burner account, pretty much immediately every day. So why do you keep changing your account, Tomato Face?

My point is that even if they are spineless, nothing will get done because the Republicans will never be happy without a wholesale overhaul of the immigration system. We aren’t talking about a little bit of wall funding or something like that. That won’t do the trick. That is my point.

The other part of this is that even if the Democrats are spineless cowards (which, not unlikely) and they caved and tried to compromise with Republicans, it would almost certainly never work out with a comprehensive immigration reform package. As soon as some Republicans warm towards anything that is not batshit crazy

“The real bad guy in this whole thing is my opponent, who is not even a career politician.”

Seems totally arbitrary to me. I’d suggest you shove it up your butt.

The fact that these fuckers have both houses of Congress continues to blow my mind.

Well, if you fill a room, or a small Virginia town with Nazis, it might not be surprising when they get the feeling they are the rule and not the exception.