
“Well, Johnny, we are going to give Mrs. Johnson, your English teacher, a semi-automatic rifle and she is going to shoot any bad guy that comes in before he has a chance to shoot you. Obviously this means that she will be carrying this weapon at all times, loaded, and with the safety off, and even then we can’t really

But the Nazis in Charlottesville were “fine people.” What possibly could be the reason for this difference in approach?

So we should just accept having our children blown away until we can undeteriorate the family? How long is that going to take?

The Kum and Go.

We like to think that the president won’t rub off on the country, but here we are.

Unless you call someone a racist. Then, you are the real racist.

He learned this move from his good friend Bob:

I think you’re getting a bit into a wormhole, here. If she is throwing herself onto the ground and he used all of his might to restrain her, and she dislocates her arm, what tune are you singing? This really seems like a situation where many people are asking for the impossible and nothing will suffice. And note that

If it is standard policy to let anyone go who resists or doesn’t stop, then no one will ever stop. I’d like to know if this ever becomes protocol so I too can stop paying metro fares.

It’s pretty flimsy, but could constitute assault. It seems more like resisting arrest to me. The way you could classify it as assault is because as she pulls herself down, she makes the cop come down to onto the ground. But seemingly he could have just let go of her, I would think. But then again, he is attempting to

Okay, Splinter has some white writers who live in DC. Why don’t they start evading fares, and then refusing to stop and try to evade the police, and see what happens? If nothing ever happens, please report back so I know it is safe for me to stop paying metro fares. That would save me at least $1,000 a year.

Anyone that does not willfully lie for Trump will be fired in a matter of days. That doesn’t make it okay.

Think of all of the MEs that might lose their jobs if there were not a steady stream of mass shootings: do you really want to be responsible for them going home to their families and telling them that they’re going to be homeless? What kind of sick monster are you?

Does this little twerp’s high school actually hand out these Latin-named awards? Or did his mom just make it up to be obnoxious? I’ve never heard of a high school doing this before.

She doesn’t even have the requisite skill to give a depraved bullshit answer. The GOP and the base don’t care. You can say any sort of bullshit, and they don’t care. But she can’t do that. She is far too stupid to even channel a Trump-level bullshit answer, so she just memorizes a single non-answer and repeats it.

She would look more intelligent if she simply shit into her own hands and threw it at him.

So now that this excuse for bashing her as the recipient of this award has been put in the garbage, what is left? Oh, yes, that she is a “commentator,” which is not a “journalist.” Well, to dispel that strange, and obviously convenient criticism, I suggest that Fox News consult a dictionary. Though it is hard to blame

I think this is the core difference and why a minority on the far left will never get nearly the power that the far right have within their party. I think the far left should be ecstatic with the influence they’ve been able to have over the past few years within the Democratic party. You are never going to hijack the

Come on, guys. Rob Corduroy, whoever the hell that is, is a good man I’m sure.  

Jesus Christ, at this point I wish the fucking right wing would just go back to “thoughts and prayers.” As astonishing as it may sound, they managed to come up with a worse rallying cry.