
Its kinda your job as a reader to find a reviewer than lines up with your tastes. And if you are looking for reviews from a regular person untainted by fandom bias....idk why your watching Tim Rogers.

Well it is an honest review. If all your review says is "10/10 I loved BotW and this is more of that" then that is not an honest review. Most of the 10/10s don't really say too much about the game itself so they are hard to put any trust behind.

I mean the review is super fair and feels much more accurate than a lot of the 10/10s that just say things along the lines of "I loved BotW and this is more of that 10/10"

BotW is the least Zelda like Zelda game. And that's okay 

Nah y'all are wild. TP is a better game than BotW. 

Were not playing the same Zelda games. Zelda has some of the most complex stories in gaming...but that kinda ended with BotW. 

Ive got zero hype for TotK. But I can’t wait for it come out so we can move onto the next chapter of Zelda. BotW was not enjoyable for me and TotK looks ugly. Those vehicle builds are absolutely horrific looking.

You can understand and still see it's a giant waste of time and about as useful as a used condom.

Tell us you bought the bathwater without telling us you bought the bathwater.

I do feel like this has kinda always been the way for PC gaming which is generally why I tend to game less and less on a PC. Consoles are just so damn convenient and after an 8-12 hour work day....I'm tryna get outta the computer chair.

It sounds a lot more like a fictional Japan. Than Europe with it being described as an island. And oh no sex! How edgy! Clutch the pearls.

Good thing it's not really a Marvel movie then. This is technically a Sony movie 

But thats not for everyone. Gamepass is....absolutely full of crap games or games I already own. There is very rarely anything on there that I am interested in playing. My Xbox has become a netflix box. But we play the shit out of Sony exclusives...they are just better made titles.

Most of the world still can’t stream, we are quite a ways off.

This is exactly it. This is year one for the PS5 and X/S.

Don’t take this the wrong way but you just said it yourself in the last sentence...

Dishonored 2, Prey, Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Evil Within 2... all were commercial failures.

100+ hours? oooof. Cannot relate. 25 max.

I mean...still an incel. Its a mindset. They may even become more of an incel after this.

They do have a cheaper option so your point is kinda moot. This is a competitor to the $650 dollar steam deck.