
No they arn’t. They didn’t get what they wanted...and what they tried to stop has flourished into something even larger. The complete opposite of winning.

Legend can still find copies of Myst...beneath garage sale tables if you look hard enough!

Ooooo shes a republican. Why didnt ya just say so?

Wow, people do like these games lol

As a creative freelancer, the 10,000 plus the additional 5 is a good deal. Shes not helping herself at all right now. Shes hardly a career voice actor, she has THIS ROLE...thats it. With a more expansive career I think she would have more pull in the game, but that being taken into account...the offer is perfectly

Karma. They announced the bands and dates BEFORE any bands had actually committed which is pretty shitty. Hopefully they actually pay everyone back and the rest of the days are good.

All the hate has me so excited :D

Thats definitely studio Triggers I.O. and I love them for it. Shorter narratives that are pretty focused and then onto something new. I wonder if it will start a trend of anime tie ins for games. I mean it sold a lot of cyberpunk.

Good. Trust in Trigger. I love them for keeping their stories contained and...for the most part...focused. also keeps them free to move to new projects.

Nothing. They made a great psychological horror game, Layers of Fear. It went completely over a lot of people’s heads but still got great reviews. It wasn’t a perfect game and had some glitch issues...but so do alot of games nowadays. If you are someone who really enjoys the narrative side of horror games Bloober

For now.

The problem here is that Helena Taylor lost her job for a bunch of trash barrel tweets. For Hale to sacrifice her own money and life for Helena’s lack of not smart or advisable. Taylor sunk her own ship with a bunch TERF tweets.

You know who doesn’t actually have a dog in this fight? Helena Taylor. When she lost her role with a bunch of stupid tweets that brought bad press to that well received video game franchise and wasn’t smart enough to see a petty 4g is all she’s worth now because of it. They were being nice 😂 Now she’s not gonna get a

I see WAYYY more of this then actual grifting. And to be clear “this” is people like you running into be like “YO PEOPLE ARE GONNA COME SAY THIS...IM JUST HERE FOR IT /s”

Go back to the greys. please.

Oh geez. this comment is like a giant neon sign asking for it. just let them do their jobs. They will and everything will be fine as it always you even gets taken care of.

the buy an Echo device and get 2 free GE cync light bulbs is pretty epic but i dont see it posted here.

the buy an Echo device and get 2 free GE cync light bulbs is pretty epic but i dont see it posted here.

froYou don’t get from broken glitchy day 1 releases? Crazy

Oh they got you good.

No it’s not. You have no idea what your on about. games are more profitable now than ever before SANS micro transactions. This is simply a beta test. And beta boys gonna bite and ruin it for everyone.