You know you didn’t have to watch it, right?
You know you didn’t have to watch it, right?
So when her father literally appears out of nowhere, and reveals that she’s a “four-dimensional being” who simply needed to shed her human skin (and her baby teeth) in order to ascend to a higher plane of existence
I can’t be the only one who has never had a single issue with the season 2 finale that seems to be talked about more in the season 3 reviews than season 3 itself.
I think the teenager playing her at 16 helps. :) Syd has gotten better but as soon as she went on another second season Melanie Bird “men are bad” rant, I had to roll my eyes. Syd called Melanie out on that last year. Why is she still doing it?
This review reads like you think the show owes you an apology for last season and is trying to make amends. It doesn’t and it isn’t.
Not cooked and delivered, obviously. And they’d expect payment - even though it would be less than a rat’s at Target.
Could they, though?
The big version with crayon drawings is;
Oh my god, those reviews are priceless: “I got a free cat in the box with my purchase, but I’m not sure if I should open it to see if it’s okay.”
You can buy a very small amount of uranium on Amazon for use in science experiments. The customer reviews are priceless: “Seller was much more reliable than the Libyans I bought plutonium from in a mall parking lot.” “I ordered this, but when I opened the box 5.4 million years later, half of it was gone!”
Excellent book, I highly recommend it. The kid had so much potential, it’s really just sad.
There’s a book about him, called The Radioactive Boy Scout, for anyone who wants a more in depth look at the story. It was written around 2000 or so, so it doesn’t cover the rather sad end of his life.
The usual explanation in other media for Thanos losing after gaining various sorts of omnipotence is, deep down, Thanos wants to lose. That doesn’t really work for this version of the character, but they might as well try it on anyway
A wizard etc
Indeed. I think this was written from the perspective of someone who hasn’t seen Alien recently but remembers Aliens (with its clear maternal metaphor) vividly.
I got to see Alien on the big screen a couple weeks ago, and I don’t believe anything gets mentioned about Ripley having a daughter. (A minute later: yup, Wiki confirms it was James Cameron who came up with her.) As far as that movie’s concerned, there doesn’t need to be any subtext to Ripley saving Jones.
I’m late to this party, but I invited Tootsie Rolls. They’re not quite chocolate. They’re not quite good.