Buzz Killington

I totally read that, and most certainly imagined that as porn squad.

You DO KNOW that the ENTIRE DNC was asked to resign today by mid April right? Everyone. 100% of them.

Now playing

I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an

This has been, bar none, the best car show on broadcast TV. From the sounds of it, there is going to be such a format change that it may lose all of its original honest appeal. The other “car” shows on TV are just scripted reality show non-sense. And that’s not just compared to Wheeler Dealers.

Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...

In defense of the poorly phrased statement, it is true the US carriers haven’t been involved in direct-fire combat ops since WW2, that is, an environment where an enemy aircraft or vessel was firing at a carrier. The last time a US carrier HAD to face enemy fire WAS WW2. That being said, the poorly phrased statement

The last time an aircraft carrier has been used in battle was in World War II.

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

I wonder if it works like vortex generator, moving the boundary layer back far enough that the helmet acts as a more effective aero element

I fucking love your name.

SJW cancer culture didn’t reach a boiling point until 2015-2016.

I don’t expect that anyone does. I do think, however, that even more readers have very little shits to give about this whole tirade. Hence my wording, you know.

I think I’m done here for now. It was good while it lasted! Not that it matters to any of you that I’m leaving but I feel that I speak for plenty of us when I say that the amount of this rather one-sided political babble, barely related to cars, has gotten too high. Road & Track, Motor Trend, Car & Driver etc. will

Fixed. C’mon, have some integrity.

There’s no business sense in fighting the new administration. Musk’s goals are still his goals, moving humanity to sustainable transportation. The success of those goals, just like getting a successful rocket launch depends on dealing with the current regulatory and governmental environment. 

Every appointee that we don’t like is the devil. Appointees we liked before are now the devil because Trump signed them on. This is the kind of critical thinking I come to this TECH BLOG for. Keep it up guys!


There is a way to categorize those people and that’s who Trump should fucking exterminate. I saw “0” humanity in that video. Fuck you “black folks” until you teach your fucking off springs some human basics then you should just get you vagina stitched and balls sown on your earlobes. Mother fucking president is killed

How about this - do your fucking job and leave the political and social commentary to your weekends when you aren’t in the office. Lucky someone hasn’t sued your ass for hostile workplace. Jackass.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.