Buzz Killington

Why did Jalopnik get so terrible? When do you figure it started really going downhill?

How in the FUCK did you get a job with a car blog without even knowing what a fucking Alfa Montreal is? Who the fuck are you and what happened to this place?

A fetus is an inanimate clump of cells, NOT a human being. Get that straight.


There are FORTY muslim countries. We are halting travel from SEVEN of them for 90 days. This is not a ‘muslim ban’ or a ban on much of anything really.

If blacks really want violence, then I’m sure Spencer and his followers would be happy to oblige. I’m guessing it wouldn’t turn out the way you want though. Stick to sucker-punches and obnoxious gifs.

And millions and millions of people think EXACTLY the same of Obama, and their point of view just as valid as yours. Hate to break it to you, but you have no moral high ground here.

He’s not arguing against suspension of disbelief in movies, just the level of suspension required to buy into the story. And he’s 100% right.

Your dad is a miracle story then, and should probably pray to Jesus every night.

You don’t recover from not breathing for ten minutes. Especially not at age 60. At best she would have been brain dead and on life support. But when I heard that she didn’t breathe for ten minutes on the plane, I knew that was it.

Mehhh... I don’t know. We don’t have Hiroshima theme parks or Auschwitz adventure tours.

No, there aren’t.


LOL. You people are so pathetic.

I’m sorry, did Lewandowski give debate questions to Trump in advance? Is Lewandowski also the head of the RNC?

I think they were referring to the total yield of all the MIRV warheads it’s capable of deploying at once. So theoretically they could take out every major city in Texas with one missile.

I wish they’d take the limiter off and do an absolute top speed test, just to see what happens. Or has it already been done?

There are people who pay good money for that.

I just love that people with an M3 think their car is anything special. Or any new car really.

Yeah that’s what I was thinking too. I thought it was just a design exercise.