Buzz Killington

How do you refute a Gender? Simple: I don’t need to. You make the claim, provide sufficient evidence to prove your case. Talking about feelings and genetic mutations isn’t sufficient evidence for the case.

Way too much time on your hands man. Apparently you feel compelled to write short stories to accuse others of being losers. Get over yourself, different people have different opinions take a Xanax or something.  

Ahh yes, we are mature adults that understand the complexities of day to day life, social interactions and the various nuances in virtually everything that we talk about...

Typical dishonest journalism.

Isn’t that kind of arrogant? If we could all be Kardashians or vine/youtube stars, we’d all be doing it. It’s just that we can’t and we don’t. We recognize that there’s some degree of charisma, looks, talent, perseverance, and luck involved, so we have to fall back on some qualitative concept of “honest” or “real”

You’re out there fighting people? Like literally? Why can’t they go to a fucking party together? Since when has that ever been a rule?

Now playing

he works at Newsweek. I am surprised he can figure out what a computer is to begin with. This is how I see newspapers/magazine writer are like...

A reporter. from Newsweek. cannot find references. online.

Your tears are delicious.

Yelling racial slurs is unlawful.

Not to agree with JackDiesel, but it’s not illegal to yell racial slurs.

In the coming conflicts you will lose. Sorry. Keyboards don’t win wars pussy.

Terrorism definition.

Small detail: requires an impeachable offense. “I really don’t like him” seems all that is required in the eyes of partisans. We would have been better off if Trump just nominated the supreme court candidates and delegated to Hillary the day-to-day stuff. A win for the hated center!

High Crimes and misdemeanors? That’s the standard for impeachment. Good grief, put down the bong.

Stick to criticizing both of their shitty policies, but sometimes on here the bully writing can be a little sophomoric.

What? Could you or the 24 morons who starred your comment, obviously without knowing what it means or implied care to explain what exactly it is you are talking about? Are you talking about when the USSR and USA met in Iceland to discuss reducing nuclear armaments? Might you also want to talk about WHY such a meeting

Matt you’ve gone off the fucking deep end man. What would your strategy have been? To deconstruct our nuclear arsenal and just hope that the Soviets and Chinese followed suit? If people like you ran this country, we’d all be dead. Neville Chamberlain worshipping idiots.
