
Vanessa Lachey (Truth Be Told) is going to have a long career playing the hot wife in terrible short lived sitcoms.

I don't like any of Adam Sandlers movies, but I like westerns, so I gave it a shot. I liked it. The baseball scene while funny should have been cut for time. I think they found a role that Taylor Lautner can play well.

The items for sale at the auction were amazing. With the new movie coming out, even loose vintage SW figures are going up in value.

I'm fortunate that I live in an area where A) The theater showing these great Rifftrax events is ten minutes away and B) I don't have to worry about a sold out house. 3/4 full theater at the most.
Although I have noticed that the crowds are getting larger with each show. Still, I hope more fans of the old MST3K hear

What I loved about the Thumbelina part was the whole "lets slam this Santa Claus movie to a complete stop and watch something else for a half hour." I hope Jack and the Beanstalk is awkwardly shoehorned into the movie too.

I was watching Hulk the other day on one of the movie channels, and Elliot was great. I think both actors were great in the role. I can't choose.

Nice to see William Hurt return as Thunderbolt Ross.

When that girl behind the counter puts on those plastic gloves and asks me what I want, I hear Barry White playing in my head…

Oh yeah.

I am a diehard SW fan but yes, The Holiday special was a terrible mistake. The only way to watch this nowadays is to buy the Rifftrax version. It goes down a little smoother with MST3K alum Bill Corbet, Mike Nelson, and Kevin Murphy riffing along.

I bought a bootleg VHS copy at a Big Apple Comic Book Show about 20 years ago. A friend sent me a better quality copy burned on DVD several years ago.

Next season every episode should be a holiday episode. I can't wait to see what they do with Arbor Day!

So…The Belchers ring in the New Year next week?

Thank you Jesse. It's nice to see someone on the internet actually say positive things about the Star Wars prequels.

Cool. Did not know that. Thanks!

Yes. Good point.

I must say in defense of Cinematic Titanic - I caught their live show twice in New York and it was hysterical. They do put on a fun night of entertainment. But I too am partial to team Rifftrax. They are doing a great job.

They must have a deal with Shout Factory. I though Jim Mallon owned the rights to the MST catalog.

I never read about any bad blood between the Rifftrax team and Cinematic Titanic; both sides were very happy the others were doing their own thing. Mary Jo Pehl has been doing some riffing for Rifftrax recently so she must get along with Mike, Kevin, and Bill.

New cast huh? Intriguing. Hopefully the original cast members will participate. I'll be watching!